sostenibilidad tercer dia

Aplicaciones anidadas

7 septiembre

Thursday, September 7th 

mobility and air quality

Environmental pollution is one of the main causes of the deterioration of our planet and a consequence of our inefficient use of natural resources. The mobility and transportation systems have a great influence on the worsening of air quality. Pollution is the introduction of substances, materials or forms of energy that have an immediate or future detrimental effect on the various environmental spheres (atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere). Since all environmental spheres are interrelated through chemical and biological processes, understanding them requires a holistic view. Knowing and applying proposals to improve the mobility of people is core topic - to reduce pollution.


Introduction to workshop and presentation from the speakers 


16.30-17.30 h

mobility matters: transportation and pollution

Cristina Arjona, manager of mobility sustainable Greenpeace. 


17.30-18:30 h

Success story: Pontevedra, mobility alternative

Uxío Benítez Fernández, Deputy Mayor of the City Council of Tomiño since 2007. Councilman-Delegate of Strategic Planning, Land Management and Public Space.

Jesús Fole de Navia Osorio, architect advisor de mobility y Espacio Público en la Diputación de Pontevedra 2015-2023


roundtable: mobility A question of public health for citizenship

Previous speakers + moderator: Juan José Pons, Full Professor of Geography of the University of Navarra

Alejandro Astibia. Director of projects and works, sustainability and mobility of Pamplona City Council. 

Jesús Miguel Santamaría. Director of high school of research in Biodiversity and Environment at the University of Navarra.


20:00 - 20:30 h

Closing of the workshop. A position of a representative of the Government of Navarra.


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