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29 junio programa

Tuesday, September 5th 

Economics circular: waste that becomes a resource 

Each citizen generates almost average ton of waste per year, the vast majority of which is collected as mixed waste, which prevents its proper subsequent use as reusable or recyclable resource . The objectives of reuse and recycling established by the ambitious rules and regulations of waste to which the local public entities are obliged require the protagonism and the necessary partnership and citizen participation through selective collection. Only in this way will it be possible to achieve the circular Economics consisting of turning waste into resources.

Why and how the measures necessary to achieve these objectives are carried out and their environmental, economic and social benefits are discussed in this session.



Welcome and introduction 

Paloma Grau Vice President of research and Sustainability. University of Navarra


16.30-17.30 h

framework legal at subject of waste.

Angel Ruiz de Apodaca Espinosa. Full Professor de Administrative Law. University of Navarra.


17.30-18.40 h

Success story: Hernani, "Zero Waste" municipality

Olatz Urrutibeaskoa and Tamara Zapiain. Environmental Technicians of Hernani City Council

Jone Notario. Hernani City Council waste educator



Interactive space 

19:00-20.30 h

roundtable: The protagonists in the management waste

Alfonso Amorena. Director- General Manager. Services of the Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona.

Óscar Rubio. Office of prevention and promotion of circular Economics of the Waste Consortium.

Fernando Blázquez. General Manager North Zone of ECOEMBES.

moderatorÁngel Ruiz de Apodaca

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