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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Internationalisation is one of the objectives of the University of Navarra. Consequently, one of the priority objectives of our institution is the mobility of its students and professors and the internationalisation of its programmes.

The International Office of ISSA School of Applied Management promotes and manages programs that develop the international character of students. To this end, it offers:

International internships. The students of the Degree in Applied Management take two onsite stays whose purpose is to enhance their international profile through linguistic, cultural and business immersion. In the first year, students travel to the United States and in the third year, to France or Germany.

Academic exchange. Students can carry out an academic exchange with one of the more than 50 Universities with which ISSA School of Applied Management has agreements in 16 countries in Europe, Asia, the United States or Canada. Check them out! 

International internships.

Summer courses at international universities.

More than 30% of ISSA School of Applied Management students are international students. In addition, every year hundreds of students from all over the world choose the University of Navarra as their destination for their academic exchange .  

Overall, students are expected to acquire the following competences:

  • Being able to live together in intercultural environments.

  • Encourage initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and adaptation to new situations.

  • Communication skills in other languages.