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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (Project Based Learning)



The Degree in Applied Management uses a learning methodology in which students acquire an active role that favors academic motivation. 

A team of professors develops the objectives of each project to meet the needs that students will encounter in the business world. The students, organized in teams, create a project each semester for a collaborating business . The learning space, both in the classroom and outside, takes on a different meaning withProject Based Learning, as students have to work in group, move around, interact with others. 

Through this methodology, students do not only memorise or collect information, but learn by doing and develop competences to respond to the current demand of the labour market.

Throughout the four years of degree program, students will carry out up to 7 projects in real companies in different sectors: food, industrial, services, hospitality and tourism, etc.

"The project-based methodology teaches us to learn by doing, which is essential in order not to forget what we have learned and to stay motivated.
and to stay motivated. Working in teams enriches you, because you learn continuously from your colleagues.
continuously from your colleagues. 

Amparo Rodríguez