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Study program

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Discover the subjects you will study


We want you to enrich your training and help you build a profile demanded by companies. That is why, if you study the Degree in Electrical Engineering, you will be able to take subjects related to the design of electrical installations for power generation, electrical drives and business administration.

This degree program is certified with the EUR-ACE international seal of excellence, which certifies that the programs of study meets the professional requirements in the field of engineering. +

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Study program

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Aplicaciones anidadas

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You can now study 1st grade in English!

(From 2nd year onwards, depending on Degree, the presence of English is between 20-30%).

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To take the 1st course in English you only have to fulfill two requirements:

  • Have a level of English equivalent to B2/70TOELF.

  • Have a level of Spanish equivalent to B1* (*Inthis case, the student will have to take 46 ECTS credit of subjects in English and 14 ECTS credit of classes of language Spanish to be able to continue in 2nd year with the subjects of Spanish. And in addition, in 2nd year, they will have to accredit a degree scroll B2of Spanish.).


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Acceso  máster y doble grado

Access to Master's Degree and double Degree

Aplicaciones anidadas


The Degree in Electrical Engineering enables the student to access official master's degrees.

The students of this Degree can take 18 additional ECTS credit of subjects of the Degree of Engineering in Industrial Technologies and thus access the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering (RD 822/2021 of September 28th).

agreement This Master's Degree in the School of Engineering has been designed in accordance with the ministerial order CIN/311/2009, of February 9, 2009, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of Industrial Engineering. The goal of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering is fill in the programs of study of Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies or other Degrees of the Industrial Engineering family in order to provide an advanced training of character multidisciplinary to acquire the attributions of the profession of Industrial Engineer.

These training complements will be analyzed in a personalized way by the Director Academic Master's Degree and may be taken in modality face-to-face or online, and both modalities may be combined depending on the status staff of each student. 


In the modality face-to-face, the subjects are carried out in the course and semester in which these subjects are taught in the Degree of Industrial Technologies. 

At modality online, there are two periods in which these subjects can be taken: 

  • Option 1: from March to May. assessment regular in June

  • Option 2: from June to August. assessment regular in September

The complements of training, in no case serve to obtain the double Degree with Industrial Technologies. Those students who wish to do the double Degree with Engineering in Industrial Technologies, will have to take the subjects of Degree of Industrial Technologies during the 3rd, 4th and first semester of 5th year. And additionally they will have to take the work end of Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies.