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Why study the Degree in Humanities

What will you learn?

The goal of this Degree is to train professionals with a solid interdisciplinary humanistic base, capable of responding to current cultural and social challenges from an international perspective.

The knowledge of the history of the West, the currents of thought that have influenced its current configuration, its artistic and cultural expressions and the knowledge of other cultures will allow us to understand our current reality with an open mind and critical thinking and to discover opportunities for development for ourselves and our environment.

We have designed the Degree in Humanities (Humanities) with the goal that any student, with ambition and interest, and fluent in English or Spanish language have access to this innovative program.


You will be able to work in...

Thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, the Degree in Humanities is one of the degrees with the greatest versatility and flexibility that allows its graduates to have an intense and varied professional activity. These jobs arise especially in the New Economy, one of the most important emerging sectors of which is Culture (in the broadest sense of the term).

As for the graduates in Humanities of the University of Navarra, we can affirm that more than 96% have employment, according to a statistic elaborated by the committee of Humanities ". For "As for the graduates in Humanities of the University of Navarra, we can affirm that more than 96% have employment, according to a statistic elaborated by the School of Philosophy and Letters."

  • Cultural management technicians in public and private organisations.

  • Art galleries, orchestras, museums, foundations, conference centres.

  • Departments marketing.

  • development local and community agencies, NGOs.

  • Media.

  • Teaching.

  • Research.

  • Human resources and training in national and international companies.

Compulsory internships

At the School of Humanities and Social Sciences we are committed to the employability of our students. That is why, from the very beginning, we make it easier for each student to be the protagonist of their own professional project .

Among the latest modifications we have made to the Degree of Humanities, we have included compulsory internships, distributed in three subjects, which are taught consecutively from the 2nd year (Professional Seminars), 3rd (Practicum I) and 4th (Practicum II). The contact with the professional world allows them to learn about the wide and diverse opportunities to which our graduates in Humanities have traditionally had access.




Asunción Domeño

Coordinator of Degree in Humanities

Asunción Domeño

Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

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