The department of Chemistry, by means of the instrumental techniques it possesses and the experience of its research teams and staff laboratory technician , offers the performance of tests, analyses and determinations on a very wide range of samples. This service aims to meet the current demand from companies and industries, related laboratories, technology centres and individuals.
The department has a high capacity for the analysis of materials of different nature, including the solution of complex analytical problems. Tests are verified with quality assurance and at competitive costs.
*Consult and apply for budget real for each work with Dr. Carolina Santamaría.
Scanning Electron Microscope FESEM Zeiss Sigma 300 VP
Laser Direct Infrared Chemical Imaging (LDIR) imaging system Agilent 8700 LDIR
Zeiss Axiolab 5 digital polarized light microscope, equipped with a video system.
Bruker D-8 Advance X-Ray Diffractometer
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) Bruker S2 Puma
Shimadzu IR (FTIR) spectrometer, IRAffinity-1S with ATR Golden-Gate and temperature controller (up to 200°C)
Edinburgh Instruments FLS920 Spectrofluorimeter (steady-state, time-resolved fluorescence TCSPC mode, equipped with LED sources from 250 to 550 nm and polarizers for anisotropy measurements)
Heater THERM TAM AIR 90ºC 230 V REMAN Waters
TOC-L CSB Analyser
Angle measurement system from contact OCA15EC
Colloidal Dynamics Zeta Probe (Benelux Scientific)
Gas chromatograph Agilent 7890 + Headspace SAMPLER 7697A Agilent
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Agilent
Physisorption analyser and area BET ASAP 2020 Micromeritics
Micromeritics Autopore IV 9500 Mercury Instrusion Porosimeter
Accelerated climatic test chambers in monoblock CCK-25/100
Perkin Elmer Analyst 800 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and graphite chamber with Zeeman correction
Wet corrosion chamber in saturated atmosphere (Kesternich test, DIN-50017) and with sulphur dioxide
UV-visible spectrophotometer Hewlett-Packard 8452A
Dyna-Pro MS/X photon correlation spectrometer for particle size measurement (1nm-10µm)
Perkin Elmer FIAS 100 system and hydride generation with autosampler AS 90
Autolab Anodic Redox Voltammeter, Metrohm 663 VA Stand and Metrohm 730 Sample Exchanger
Agilent 1100 Series LC HPLC Chromatographic System 1100 Series LC
These prices (excluding VAT) are indicative of the real cost of the tests. Depending on the issue of samples and the work of interpretation and report , prices may be subject to change: Consult and apply for actualbudget for each work with Dr. Carolina Santamaria.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Consult rates on the Electron Microscopy Service web site.
X-ray diffraction (XRD)
- UNAV internal users (not linked to department): 45 €/sample
- External UNAV users: 90 €/sample
(These rates will be increased by 20% for measures with special conditions, such as microdiffraction, transmission, etc.).
X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
- UNAV internal users (not linked to department): 15 €/sample
- External UNAV users: 25 €/sample
Infrared spectroscopy FTIR-ATR-transmission : 66 €/sample (external UNAV), 35 €/sample (internal UNAV not linked to department).
Determination of composition by ATG: 66 €/sample (external UNAV), 35 €/sample (internal UNAV not linked to department)
Particle size analysis (DLS) : 66 €/sample (external UNAV), 35 €/sample (internal UNAV not linked to department)
Physisorption and specific surface area tests : 150 €/sample (external UNAV), 100 €/sample (internal UNAV not linked to department).
Determination of major components by conventional wet chemical analysis (expression of results in oxides of silicon, calcium, magnesium, iron + aluminium + titanium, sulphur, sodium and potassium): 300 €/sample (external UNAV), 100 €/sample (internal UNAV not linked to department).
Determination of Chemical Elements by Atomic Absorption
- AAS with flame: 39 €/sample
- AAS with graphite chamber: 83 €/sample
- AAS with hydride generator: 88 €/sample
(6 € will be added for additional sample , internal UNAV not linked to department, 40% of the fee to external)
Determination by UV-visible spectrophotometry: 77 €/compound-sample (internal UNAV not linked to department, 40% of the fee to external)
Determination by ion-selective electrodes: 61 €/ion-sample (internal UNAV not linked to department, 40% of the fee to external)
Tests and determinations according to UNE or ASTM standards. (internal UNAV not linked to department)
Nowadays, the demands related to the preservation and care of the environment are increasing. However, one of the main problems faced by Universities, Centres of research and Companies when carrying out programs of study and environmental assessments is the lack of certified laboratories to carry out their analyses.
On the other hand, an environmental quality laboratory must not only have equipment that allows analyses to be carried out on different types of samples (water, air, soil, plants, etc.), but must also be staffed by qualified professionals and technicians who can handle standardised procedures and methodologies and interpret the results obtained appropriately.
The Integrated Environmental Qualitylaboratory (LICA ) was created in response to these demands, providing a technological platform with cutting-edge scientific equipment for application in various environmental fields, as well as a team of professionals with extensive experience in carrying out environmental programs of study and research projects.