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Aplicaciones anidadas


The professors and researchers of department of Chemistry at the University of Navarra teach in the following Degrees, doctoral and master's programmes:


- Study program of Degree in Biology




General chemistry

Dr. Zornoza Cebeiro

General Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Dr. Isasi Allica

Basic techniques of laboratory

Dr. Martínez Ohárriz


Dr. Lasheras Adot


Dr. Elustondo Valencia

Dr. Lasheras Adot

Soil science

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

Environmental Chemistry

Dr. Santamaría Ulecia

Final Project Degree

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

- Study program of Degree at Biochemistry





General chemistry

Dr. Zornoza Cebeiro

General Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Dr. Isasi Allica

Physical chemistry

Dr. González Gaitano

Physical Chemistry

Dr. González Gaitano

Instrumental methods in biochemistry and molecular biology I

Dr. Martínez Ohárriz

- Study program of Degree in Environmental Sciences


Environmental Chemistry

Dr. Santamaría Ulecia

General Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Dr. Isasi Allica

General chemistry


Dr. Zornoza Cebeiro

Fundamentals of environmental engineering

Dr. Morera Gómez


Dr. Lasheras Adot


Dr. Elustondo Valencia

Dr. Lasheras Adot

Meteorology and climatology

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

Basic techniques of laboratory

Dr. Martínez Ohárriz

Soil science

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

Environmental management and audit systems


Dr. Elustondo Valencia

Air pollution

Dr. Santamaría Ulecia

Soil and waste treatment

Dr. Morera Gómez

Environmental policy and management

Dr. Izquieta Rojano

Environmental risks

Dr. Izquieta Rojano

Water treatment

Dr. Santamaría Elola

Dr. Peñas Esteban

Final Project Degree

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

- Study program of Degree in Pharmacy





Dr. Zornoza Cebeiro

Chemical foundations of pharmacy

Dr. Navarro Blasco

Inorganic chemistry

Dr. Álvarez Galindo

Analytical techniques

Dr. Martínez Ohárriz

- Study program of Degree at Chemistry




Experimentation in Chemistry I

Dr. Santamaría Elola

General chemistry

Dr. Zornoza Cebeiro

General Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Dr. Isasi Allica

General Chemistry II

Dr. Santamaría Elola

Crystallography and mineralogy

Dr. Lasheras Adot

Soil science

Dr. Garrigó Reixach

Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry

Dr. Álvarez Galindo

laboratory of fundamental analysis

Dr. Navarro Blasco

laboratory of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics

Dr. Vélaz Rivas

Laboratory of Atomic and Molecular Structure

Dr. González Gaitano

laboratory of inorganic synthesis

Dr. Durán Benito

Quantitative Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy

Dr. González Gaitano

Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics

Dr. Vélaz Rivas

Characterisation of inorganic solids

Dr. Durán Benito

Environmental Chemistry

Dr. Santamaría Ulecia

laboratory of instrumental analysis

Dr. Santamaría Elola

laboratory of interfaces and colloids

Dr. Isasi Allica

Instrumental Analytical Chemistry

Dr. Fernández Álvarez

Coordination and organometallic chemistry

Dr. Sirera Bejarano

Solid state chemistry

Dr. Sirera Bejarano

Sustainable chemistry

Dr. Peñas Esteban

Statistical Thermodynamics, Transport and Surfaces

Dr. Isasi Allica

Science of the Materials

Dr. Durán Benito

Chemical engineering

Dr. Peñas Esteban

laboratory integrated

Dr. Santamaría Elola

Separation methods and chemometrics

Dr. Navarro Blasco

Final Project Degree

Dr. Álvarez Galindo





The Right Product: Traceability in the Fashion Industry (TRP)


Dr. Durán Benito




Aplicaciones anidadas


The department of Chemistry offers, through the research collaborations of its professors with other universities and centres abroad, summer internships for 3rd and 4th year students of Degree, in the framework of the programmes Erasmus+ for Europe and Science Internship Program (SIP) and Global for the rest of the world. A minimum transcript of 2.0, fluency in English and suitability of studies for the place offered are required to be eligible for these internships. Interns and RTPs from department will have priority over other candidates. Those interested should contact contact with the teacher responsible in each case during the month of February.

Institution: King's College London (London, UK)
contact at the host institution: Prof. Cecile A. Dreiss
contact at department: Gustavo González Gaitano (
profile : Students of Degree in Chemistry and double degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry Degree

Institution: Queen's University, School of Pharmacy (Belfast, UK)
contact at the host institution: Prof. Eneko Larrañeta
contact at department: José Ramón Isasi (
profile : Students of Degree in Chemistry and double degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry Degree

Institution: Helmholt Zentrum München, IBMI Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (Münich, Deutschland)
contact at the host institution: Juan Pablo Fuenzalida Werner
contact at department: Gustavo González Gaitano (
profile : Students of Degree in Chemistry, Degree in Biochemistry and double Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry.

Institution: Universidad de Chile, department de Química Orgánica y Fisicoquímica, School de Químicas (Santiago, Chile)
contact at the host institution: Prof. Claudio Saitz
contact at department: Gustavo González Gaitano (
profile : Students of Degree in Chemistry and double of Degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry



Aplicaciones anidadas


Amaia UrizAmaia Úriz (QUI2016) held a written request on the Pharmaceutical Biophysics Group of KCL (King's College London).


David RuizDavid Ruiz (QUI2016), as RTP of department , spent a stay in the Abberdeen University.


Mariana SerresMariana SerresdepartmentThe research was carried out in London during the months of June and July 2016, as part of the Erasmus+ and Science Internship Program of the School of Sciences. The research was carried out at framework as part of a collaboration with the Pharmaceutical Biophysics Group of KCL (King's College London.