



Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Discover the subjects you will study


The professional activity of the biochemists of the School of Sciences is located in the biosanitary and biomedical field, a area of recognized prestige at the University of Navarra. Our School works closely with those of Medicine and Pharmacy, and other research centers of the University, such as the research center Applied Medicine (CIMA), the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) or the Center for Applied Pharmacobiology (CIFA). This has made it possible to achieve a universitycampus specialized in Experimental and Health Sciences that is unique in our country.

Aplicaciones anidadas


Asignaturas bioquimica


subject - Subject semester - Semester ECTS CREDIT
Annual - Annual 6
Structure and function of biomolecules
Structural and Functional Biochemistry
Annual - Annual 6
Annual - Annual 6
Cell Biology and Histology
Cell Biology and Histology
First semester 6
Basic computer studies and bibliographical techniques
Basic computer studies and bibliographical techniques
Primer semester - First Semester 3
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Chemistry general
General Chemistry
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Functional Histology
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Chemistry physics
Physical Chemistry
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Biology Fundamentals
Biology Fundamentals
Segundo semester - Second Semester 3


subject - Subject semester - Semester ECTS CREDIT
Ethics pathway inter-facultative
Annual - Annual 6
General Physiology
General Physiology
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Metabolism and its regulation
Metabolism and its regulation
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Cell Biology extension
Cell Biology extension
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Genetic engineering (taught in English - Genetic engineering) Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Cell signalling
Cellular signaling
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Instrumental methods in molecular Biochemistry and Biology I
Instrumental methods in molecular Biochemistry and Biology I
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
subject - Subject semester - Semester ECTS CREDIT
Instrumental methods in molecular Biochemistry and Biology II
Instrumental methods in molecular Biochemistry and Biology II
Annual - Annual 6
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Macromolecules biosynthesis and its regulation
Macromolecules biosynthesis and its regulation
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Human Molecular Genetics (taught in English - Human Molecular Genetics) Primer semester - First Semester 6
Electives - Electives (see below) Primer semester - First Semester 6
Cultural Keys I (choose from the following) Primer semester - First Semester 3
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Molecular physiology (taught in English - Molecular Physiology) Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Molecular Pathology
Molecular Pathology
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Clinical Bacteriology
Clinical Bacteriology
Segundo semester - Second Semester 3
Virology - Virology Segundo semester - Second Semester 3
Cultural Keys II (choose from the following) Segundo semester - Second Semester 3
subject - Subject semester - Semester ECTS CREDIT
End-of-Degree Project Degree
End-of-Degree Project
Annual - Annual 15
Professional Deontology
Professional Deontology
Primer semester - First Semester 3
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Toxicology and Pharmacology
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Management and Professional Competences
Management and Professional Competences
Primer semester - First Semester 3
Clinical Biochemistry
Clinical Biochemistry
Primer semester - First Semester 6
Computational biology (taught in English - Computational biology) Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Structures of macromolecules
Macromolecules Structure
Segundo semester - Second Semester 6
Electives - Electives (see below) Segundo semester - Second Semester 15
subject - Subjects Course - Year ECTS CREDIT
Human Cytogenetics
Human Cytogenetics
Tercer curso / Third year 3
Biochemistry and Vegetal Metabolism
Biochemistry and Vegetal Metabolism
Tercer curso / Third year 3
Tercer curso / Third year 3
Vegetal Biotechnology
Vegetal Biotechnology
Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Cell Biology of Development development
Cell Biology of Development
Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Programming elements Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Cancer biology
Cancer biology
Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Clinical Parasitology
Clinical Parasitology
Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Evolution Biology
Evolution Biology
Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Microbial Biotechnology (taught in English - Microbial Biotechnology) Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Genomics (taught in English - Genomics) Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Biología molecular de la reproducción / Molecular biology in reproduction Cuarto curso / Fourth year 3
Internships at business I
Internships I
Otras optativas / More elective Subjects 3
Internships at business II
Internships II
Otras optativas / More elective Subjects 3
Internships at business III
Internships III
Otras optativas / More elective Subjects 3




Modules of the Study program


Each subject is integrated into a subject which in turn forms part of a module. Within each module is the link to the competences associated with each subject


It provides the fundamentals and basic techniques of chemistry relevant to understanding biochemical processes.

Module I:

→ Chemistry general (6 ECTS credit)
→ Chemistry organic (6 ECTS credit)
→ Chemistry physical (6 ECTS credit)


It covers the fundamental concepts of the biology of the cell and of tissues, organs and systems, as well as the instructions of genetics.

Module II: 

→ Cell biology and histology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Fundamentals of biology (3 ECTS credit)
→ Microbiology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Genetics (6 ECTS credit)
→ Extension of cell biology (6 ECTS credit)

→ Organography (6 ECTS credit)

It provides the physical and mathematical instructions to understand biological processes and apply molecular bioscience techniques.

Module III:

→ Physics (6 ECTS credit)

→ Mathematics (6 ECTS credit)
→ Biostatistics (6 ECTS credit)

→ Basic computing and bibliographic techniques (3 ECTS credit)

It provides the knowledge of the biochemical and molecular instructions of biological systems.

Module IV:

  • subject I. Quantitative Instrumental Methods (.pdf)

→ Instrumental methods in Biochemistry and molecular biology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Instrumental methods in Biochemistry and molecular biology II ((6 ECTS credit)

  • subject II. Molecular Systems Biology (.pdf)

→ Computational biology (6 ECTS credit)

It develops the different quantitative instrumental methodologies used in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as those related to Molecular Biology Systems.

Module V:

→ Structure and function of biomolecules (6 ECTS credit)
→ Cell signalling (6 ECTS credit)
→ Metabolism and its regulation (6 ECTS credit)
→ Structure of macromolecules (6 ECTS credit)

→ Engineering Genetics (6 ECTS credit)
→ Biosynthesis of macromolecules and their regulation (6 ECTS credit)
→ Molecular pathology (6 ECTS credit)

It covers the regulation and integration of the body's functions for application in biomedicine.

Module VI:

→ Molecular physiology (6 ECTS credit)
→ General physiology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Immunology (6 ECTS credit)

  • subject II. Biomedical Applications (.pdf)

→ Biochemistry clinical (6 ECTS credit)
→ Genetics human molecular (6 ECTS credit)
→ Clinical bacteriology (3 ECTS credit)
→ Virology (3 ECTS credit)
→ Pathophysiology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Pharmacology and Toxicology (6 ECTS credit)

It includes subjects with a humanistic content and aims at the integral education of student, giving them the ability to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Module VII:

  • subject I. Aspects of Human Formation (.pdf)

→ Anthropology (6 ECTS credit)
→ Ethics (6 ECTS credit)
→ Keys to Contemporary Culture (6 ECTS credit)

  • subject II. Vocational Training Aspects (.pdf)

→ management in professional competences (3 ECTS credit)
→ Deontology (3 ECTS credit)

It is compulsory and individual, and offers the opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge acquired during the studies to carry out technical work related to the different fields of biomedicine. It has a clear professionalising sense, of an eminently practical nature.

Module VIII:

It constitutes 10% of the total of ECTS credit of Degree and allows the student to acquire an intensification of professional competences in other aspects related to Biomedicine. Includes also external placements in hospitals, research centres or companies (up to 9 ECTS credit) and credits for academic recognition for participation in various activities (up to 6 ECTS credit).

Module IX: