
Resultados de la búsqueda

Volcanism and climate change

Beyond the obvious risk to the population posed by a volcanic eruption, the outflow of magma to the earth's surface has implications for biodiversity that go far beyond the risk of a volcanic ...

Visits PwC & Deloitte

Nowadays, architecture is not limited to the layout when designing or executing a work. There is a spectrum of alternatives to devote the effort and knowledge in a great diversity of ofe ...


Each student had design two coordinated patterns of very different scale (a textile pattern for a determined garment and a related wallpaper) both inspired by the same concept, as belonging to a colle...

Chess Set

It is quite common to find in the industry sets of products whose pieces are different among them, but they are part of a common collection, i.e. a set of crockery, a fashion collection, a lamp series ...


The exercise consists in the design of a typeface SPECIMEN, a 12 pages-leaflet that presents a particular typeface with all its features, applications, and formal identity. This message consists of t ...

Welcome to Right Fashion

When asked which are the names that stand out the most in their environmental commitment, we could talk about many, although it is a difficult topic because there is no single way to measure this commitment ...

Redesigning everyday objects

The students of 2nd of design have done an exercise in the subject Workshop design III in which they have had to deconstruct different utensils, detailing each of the parts and functions of the utensils, and ...

Posted by: Rachel Arp Date: April 19th, 2018 With choices such as Iberian ham and seafood paella, people often have a hard time understanding how I can be a vegetarian in a place with a renowned g ...

Faceta de sitio

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Faceta de categoría



Showing the range 1 - 20 of 62 results.