Infodemia and covid: great social concern about politically motivated hoaxes
Despite weak trust in news, newspaper and local brands retain credibility
Nearly half of 18-24 year olds disapprove of how the media portrays people their own age
Television and social networks consolidate their dominance amid sharp declines in print and radio media
Journalistic media and their websites, referents of local and regional news, but search engines dominate the information service.
The collapse of print newspapers and resistance to payment hinder the success of digital subscriptions
El País leads digital media readership followed by 20minutos and ElDiario.es
78% of Internet users use mobile to consult the news and it is the main device for two out of three.
Podcast consumption in Spain remains stable
63% watch news videos, twice as many on external platforms (52%) than on media websites and apps (26%)
Algorithmic access by networks, topic searches and aggregators (57%) maintains its advantage over media brands (50%).
One in four users access news through Google Discover
Instant messaging services consolidate for reading, viewing, finding, sharing or commenting on news
Leaders in digital participation
Trust in the media weakens, journalistic brands resist, local journalism emerges
Governments, politicians and social networks, mainly responsible for the rise of hoaxes
Less relevant journalism for a more polarized audience
Connected Spaniards were equally informed about coronavirus and covid-19 in the media and social networks.
Most believe media accurately report on climate change and how to address it
Six out of ten Internet users in Spain say they are totally or very interested in local information
Green shoots in the payment for digital news
Podcast listening consolidates in Spain, reaching 41% of Internet users
Four out of ten users prefer to watch news online rather than read it and 68% consume news videos
39% of Internet users prefer television for information, while 21% choose social networks as their main source of news source
Three out of four Internet users use smartphones to check the news and it is the main device for 58%.
Algorithms trump media branding to reach news on the Internet
The 4th, 6th and 8th most read media are digital natives, reaching six out of 10 users
Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube lead in news usage, but Twitter and Instagram are on the rise
Spanish users share less news online weekly, but comment more on it
#According to the Digital News Report 2020, the cell phone continues its unstoppable rise as the star device for news consumption: 73% of Spaniards already use it for this purpose. Its use has grown seven points in one year, and it is already the main device for 58%. pic.twitter.com/PfySCGDBlj
- fcomunav (@fcomunav) June 16, 2020
Faced with declining confidence, most Spanish users are wary of misinformation
Online news audiences value immediacy but want more depth and oversight of power
One in three people avoids getting information sometimes or often; 60% avoid it at least occasionally
Algorithms are as influential as media branding in getting to the news on the internet
Two out of three use smartphones to check the news and it is the main device for 51%.
Payment for digital news stagnates at 10% of Spanish Internet users
45% of users prioritize television for their information and 40% opt for Internet media
Five newspapers, three digital native media and two televisions, the most visited for online information
52% of Spanish users share news online weekly and 27% comment on them
Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube lead in news usage, but Instagram and FB Messenger emerge
News videos are viewed on external platforms (58%), more than twice as much as on news sites
39% of Internet users in Spain listen to podcasts
Fake news worries 69% of Internet users in Spain
Low knowledge of Spanish users of online news about the media
Spanish Internet users' trust in the media decreases to 44%.
Three out of ten Spaniards think about what to say about politics online to avoid problems with authorities
53% of Spanish users share news online weekly and one out of three comment on them
Facebook and WhatsApp continue to lead in networks but YouTube, Twitter and Instagram grow among young people
64% of users in Spain get their information from a digital native medium
News consumption in offline media continues to decline and matches that of the Internet as a whole
Digital news users who pay for news in Spain increase up to 11%.
71% of users are mainly informed in text but 6 out of 10 also watch some news video
40% of Internet users in Spain have listened to a podcast in the last month
Mobile information use grows (64%) and smart or connected TV (23%) overtakes tablet (22%)
Media branding continues to dominate the diversity of digital news access routes
Half of mobile device users use a news app on a daily basis
15% receive information notifications on their mobile device, almost twice as many as three years ago
More than half of Spanish Internet users (51%) trust the news
10% of Spanish users regularly avoid the news
More than half of the digital audience (53%) does not pay anything for information
9% of Spanish internet users paid for digital news in 2016
Spain's print newspaper sales decline sharpens
28% of the digital audience uses ad blockers. advertising
Rapid digital transition for newspapers and slower for television stations, with high fragmentation in the use of news brands.
Social networks continue to grow as the preferred channel for information, while news media stagnate
Cell phones and tablets (47%) overtake computers (46%) as the main device for accessing news for the first time
Despite the rise of social networks and alerts, the media brand is still the main access route
Video is gaining ground over text as an informative format
Interest in political news is reduced and the attention is focused on issues that are close to home
News is now shared via instant messaging almost as much as on social networks
WhatsApp, YouTube and Instagram s use of information grows, while Facebook and Twitter's use declines
Newspaper websites face growing skill from broadcasters and digital natives
Breaking news is the best thing about the media, and the worst thing about it is the news bias
Most users believe that Spanish media are unduly influenced by political and economic spheres
47% of Spanish users trust the news on a regular basis
Newspaper companies inspire more trust than journalists
Leading digital media audiences, between transversality and political polarization
Internet users continue to get their information mainly from television and the use of print media is holding up.
One out of every three users in Spain mainly uses cell phones to follow the news
Social networks are the main means of accessing news online
Users in Spain, among the most proactive in the world when it comes to participating in the news
Half of Internet users interact with the news on Facebook, and 26% on WhatsApp.
Algorithms vs. publishers: Internet users' concern about news personalization
Texts, videos and photographs, established formats for online information
28% of Spanish Internet users use ad-blocking software advertising
10% of Spanish internet users paid for digital news in 2015
Pay-per-unit is the new standard for digital subscriptions in Spain
71% of Spanish Internet users would never pay for digital news
More than half of Spanish Internet users do not regularly buy a printed newspaper
Nearly half of Internet users never paid for news
Spanish Internet users, among the most interested in the world in political and economic news
30% of the users get their information in Spanish languages other than Spanish, and 24% in English.
Payment for digital news grows but less than free consumption of information
Spanish Internet users who pay for digital news increase from 8% to 11%.
17% of those who do not buy digital news will consider paying in the future
Purchase of printed newspapers among Internet users declines six points
Half of users access the internet more than five times a day, but only 8% consume news that often
Nearly half of people with Internet access consume news on more than one connected device
Television and computer for information at home; with cell phones, everywhere
The morning is the time of highest consumption, especially if accessed from a computer.
The importance assigned by Internet users to international news, political news in Spain and news about Economics
Newspaper websites and apps close the gap to television in news consumption
Texts, videos, photo galleries and minute-by-minute follow-ups, booming online information formats
Television, newspapers and radio stations maintain more cumulative weekly audience offline than online
Search engines, the main gateway to digital news
Facebook is the most popular social media (52%) and WhatsApp is the fastest growing (27%).
News users talk more about their news: all ways to participate and share it are on the rise
Internet users look for current events and context in news, not entertainment
Users in Spain have the least trust in news among eight European countries
The under-35s inform themselves almost equally on social networks and television
Networks compete with websites and media apps as a way to access the news
Three out of ten people get their information on a cell phone or tablet more than on a computer.
8.5% pay for online news. Among the rest, 21% are likely to do so.
Users prefer pluralistic, neutral and unbiased media
TV brands win offline, but newspapers dominate on the internet