The Programme for PhD in "Medicines and Health is framed within the School of doctorate that the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by RD 99/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the Programs of doctorate, and the manager of its development and organization is the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition.
It is a programme adapted to the European Higher Education Area Education which meets the requirements of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October, which establishes the organisation of official university education. It has been favourably assessed by the NATIONAL AGENCY FOR ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY AND ACCREDITATION (National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation) and positively verified by the committee of Universities (10 June 2009). It has official status and is registered in the Registry of Universities, Centres and Degrees (BOE 10 February 2010).
The Programme has been adapted to the verification procedures The programme has been approved by the RD 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies (BOE of 10 February 2011), obtaining the favourable report of the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation and positively verified by the committee of Universities.
The doctoral program in Medicines and Health has been distinguished with the"Mention towards Excellence" (MEE2011-0106) by the Ministry of Education for the academic years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 (overall weighted assessment of the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation: 96 out of 100) according to the resolution of 6 October 2011, of the General Secretariat of Universities (BOE of 20 October 2011).
The Academic Committee of doctoral program is made up of:
- Coordinator: Ms. Elena González Peñas, Professor of Chemistry Analytical.
- Vice-Dean/Deputy Director of the Center: Ms. Carmen Sanmartín Grijalba, Professor of Chemistry Orgánica.
-Deputy Director of the School of doctorate at area of Experimental and Health Sciences: Ms. Ana Rouzaut Subirán, professor at Biochemistry and Genetics.
The doctoral program in Medicines and Health was created in association with the postgraduate program Programme of the same name, structured by agreement with Royal Decree 56/2005 (BOE of 25 January 2005), which obtained the approval of the General Directorate of Universities of the Ministry of Education and Science to be offered as an Official Programme of postgraduate program for the 2006-2007 academic year (BOE of 3 July 2006).
The academic background of this Programme of postgraduate program and, therefore, of the doctoral program in "Medicines and Health" is based on the previous existence of two previous Programmes of doctorate, "Biopharmacy, Pharmacology and Quality of Medicines" and "design, Synthesis and assessment Biological Synthesis of Medicines", which support and guarantee their excellence since both obtained, and maintained without interruption, the accredited specialization of quality granted by the Ministry of Education and Science (Ref. MCD2004-00352 and Ref. MCD2005-00211, respectively).
The doctoral program in "design, Synthesis and Biological assessment of Medicines" has its origins in 1968 when the first university course in Chemistry was given at the University of Navarra. It is, therefore, the oldest programme in the country at specialization program. For its part, the doctoral program in "Biopharmacology, Pharmacology and Drug Quality" began to be taught at the University of Navarra in the academic year 1986-87 under the academic responsibility and supervision of the department of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology.
These two programs of doctorate gave rise to two masters, which were verified at the time, and are called Master's Degree University in design Galenic and Biopharmacy and Master's Degree University in research, development and Innovation of Medicines that by their research orientation constitute (while they are taught) a suitable training to access the doctoral program in Medicines and Health.
Teachers from the following Departments, Units and Services of the University of Navarra participate in development :
- department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmacy Service. Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN)
- Clinical Research Unit. Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN)
Occasionally, depending on the project of doctoral dissertation, professors and researchers from other Departments of the Science area of the University of Navarra, from other Departments and Units of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and from the Centre for Research in Applied Medicine (CIMA) may participate in the development of the Programme, mainly in the co-direction of doctoral theses.
Likewise, professors and doctors from other national and foreign institutions can participate in the Program, as in fact they have been doing, either in the co-direction of doctoral thesis , teaching seminars, actions of mobility (both of doctoral students and of the professors themselves), participation in tribunals of thesis convened to obtain the accredited specialization International in the degree scroll of Doctor, etc.
- Awarding of the Mention of Excellence (resolution of the General Secretariat of Universities) (.pdf)
- report final evaluation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) (.pdf)
- report for the application for the Mention of Excellence (.pdf)
Elena González Peñas
Programme Coordinator
University Campus
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+ 34 948 425600