Acceso y Admisión ok

Access and Admission


Access and admission to doctoral program in Governance and Culture of Organisations is verified at agreement in accordance with the provisions of articles 6 and 7 of RD 99/2011.



  • From March 1 to April 30 of each year: deadline for the presentation of requests for access to doctorate. The candidate that complies with the requirements of access will present the form of application of Admissions Office in the administrative office Technical of research, which will proceed to its registration and subsequent sending to the Academic Committee of the doctoral program and to the board Directive of the high school and of the School. The application will be sent with its approval to the School of doctorate, which will verify compliance with the requirements access requirements for its final approval. A maximum of 12 new places are offered annually, 6 for students full-time and 6 for students part-time.

  • From May 1 to May 31 of each year: resolution of the applications submitted.

  • Once the candidatehas been accepted, it should be registered between September and October at Office of the Registrar.


The candidate that complies with the requirements access requirements will make the application for admission through the portal miUNAVwhich will register it and send it to the coordinator of the doctoral program and to the management committee of the Institute. The management committee will send the application with its approval to the Doctoral School, which will verify compliance with the requirements access requirements for its final approval.

In order to formalise the enrollment it is a prerequisite to have obtained admission. The application is processed at Office of the Registrar. The dates of enrollment and the price are regulated by the University of Navarra and can be consulted at Office of the Registrar of the University.

Every year, 12 new places are offered , 6 for students full-time and 6 for students part-time.

Students with specific educational needs The admission process will include an academic advisor who will assess the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.

The University of Navarra, in accordance with the provisions of Law 51/2003 of 2 December 2003 on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, provides students with disabilities with the appropriate study conditions and adaptations for their correct academic training, for which it carries out actions in the following areas:

  • Accessibility area: this involves adapting the physical university environment to the difficulties of students with disabilities, making the necessary architectural and communication adaptations.

  • Counselling and technical aids area: through individualised attention to each student student by their advisor, their study-related needs are identified and the support they require is determined. The University of Navarra's Scholarship Service provides information and advice on financial aid and benefits.

  • Awareness and training area: aimed at fostering positive attitudes towards disability in the university community, by carrying out and collaborating in training and awareness-raising activities.

  • Area of volunteer activities university: the aim is to promote and coordinate the university volunteer activities for the development of those tasks that support the study and accompaniment of students with disabilities. 

Students, Spanish or foreign, who can prove that they meet the legal requirements for access as set out in art. 6 of Royal Decree 99/2011 ( requirements ). Preferably , the PhD is aimed at those who are in possession of the official qualification of the Master's Degree in Organisational Governance and Culture and with previous training in Social and Legal Sciences. In this way, their skills and qualities are already known.

Students who wish to take the doctorate without having previously taken the Master's Degree in Organizational Governance and Culture and who meet the requirements of requirements will be required to pass certain subjects to make up for possible training deficiencies. To this effect, the completion of subjects of the Master's Degree in Government and Culture of Organizations will be advised.

The issue credits may range from a minimum of two to a maximum of eight.

Annually, the academic committee of the programme will evaluate the research plan of PhD student and its document of activities together with the report which, if applicable, must be issued by director of the thesis.

The project thesis should include:

  • The state of the topic

  • Working hypothesis

  • Concrete objectives

  • Methodology

  • Time planning

  • Means at its disposal to carry it out

In all cases, it must present a structure and the appropriate elements to demonstrate the scientific quality of the work.

With regard to the activities document, the University has a computer application that allows student to enter all the training activities that are carried out during the course of their training. It includes the information in free text based on pre-established categories, and offers the possibility of attaching the documentation required for each activity.

The student can share its content with those persons designated by him/her (director de Tesis). In addition, certain authorised users (director de Tesis, Academic Committee of the programme, Steering Committee of the School) may propose specific activities to students.

There is the possibility to export all data to a PDF document that will set up the activity document on student.

All students enrolled in the doctoral programme already have access to the application via the web. 

Annually, the programme's Academic Committee will evaluate the research work of PhD student and its activities document together with the report which, if applicable, must be issued by director of the thesis. A positive evaluation will be a prerequisite for continuing on the programme. In the event of a negative evaluation, which will be duly justified, the PhD student must be re-evaluated within a period of six months, for which purpose a new research plan must be drawn up. In the event of a new negative evaluation, the PhD student will cause leave final in the programme. 

  • Warehouse

Once the doctoral dissertation has been completed, if the PhD student is followed up by the director he/she will send the research report to obtain a favourable report .

It will then be deposited, with the approval of director of the thesis, by submission of three copies to the Academic Commission which, with its approval and, where appropriate, the favourable report of reviewer, will send it to the management committee of the centre for its approval.

The management committee of the centre will send all the documentation (report of the director, approval of the Academic Commission and of the centre) to the Doctoral School for processing.

The above documentation will be accompanied by a proposal of experts on the subject who may form part of the panel responsible for judging it. The proposal panel will include five PhD lecturers who will attend the public defence, at least three of whom will be external to the University of Navarra. Two substitutes will also be proposed, one from the University of Navarra and one external. None of the proposed experts may be the director or co-director of the thesis.

The Doctoral School, in view of the documentation received, will proceed to authorise or not the defence of the thesis. In the event of not authorising the defence of the thesis, the School shall notify in writing the reasons for its decision to the management committee responsible for the programme, to PhD student and to reviewer if there is one, who may present allegations to the School within a period of ten days. In view of this, and having obtained the oral and written reports deemed appropriate, a decision shall be taken as quickly as possible.

  • Appointment of the tribunal

Once the defence of the doctoral dissertation has been authorised, the Doctoral School, at proposal of the centre, will appoint the examining board after checking the established legal requirements .

The Doctoral School will appoint a chairperson and a secretary from among the members of the selection board. In the event of the appointment of a full member of the selection board by Withdrawal for justified reasons, the chairperson shall replace him/her with the corresponding substitute membe . The management committee of the centre shall send a copy of the doctoral dissertation to the members of the selection board.

  • Defence and evaluation of the doctoral dissertation

The thesis defence ceremony will be called by the president and statement at least 15 calendar days before the date of the event. It will take place in a public session and will consist of a presentation by PhD student of the work carried out, the methodology, the content and the conclusions, with special mention of the original contributions. The panel will be provided with the activities document, which will not give rise to a quantitative score but will constitute a qualitative assessment tool that will complement the evaluation of the doctoral dissertation. 

The members of the examining board will ask PhD student as many questions as they consider appropriate. The doctors present at the public ceremony may intervene at the time and in the manner indicated by the chair of the examining board. The examining board will issue the overall grade finally awarded to the thesis, from agreement with the following scale: "Pass", "no Pass".

The court may propose that the thesis obtain the accredited specialization of "cum laude" if a unanimous positive secret vote is cast in that sense. To this effect, and once the overall grade of the thesis has been issued, each full member will cast its vote in an envelope Closed. The court will meet again to carry out the corresponding scrutiny. 



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