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Collaborations with other Universities have focused on Latin American Universities, since most of our doctoral students come from these countries. since a large number of our doctoral students come from these countries.

Aplicaciones anidadas


University of La Sabana (Colombia)

The main purpose is cooperation in cultural and academic activities. Likewise, programs of exchange of students may be proposed and the academic staff and PAS of the University of La Sabana may be admitted to programs of Master's Degree and doctorate of the UNAV.

University of Mendoza (Argentina)

The main purpose is cooperation in cultural and academic activities. Likewise, programs of exchange of students, professors and researchers of both institutions may be proposed and, in particular, the partnership will be promoted in programs of third cycle, Master's Degree and doctorate.

University of Piura- PAD (Peru)

The goal of agreement is promote the doctoral graduation of students from the University of Piura in the doctorate in Governance and Culture of Organizations, in order to strengthen the relationship between both institutions.

University of the Isthmus (Guatemala). Private

The idea is promote that the graduates of the Master's Degree in Government and Culture of Organizations offered by the Universidad del Istmo take the doctorate in Government and Culture of Organizations of high school business and Humanism.

Pontificia Bolivariana University (Colombia)

The partnership aims to co-direction and review of doctoral thesis ; the mobility of professors and students and the promotion of the programs of doctorate and Master's Degree of both institutions.

high school of Economics and Business (ID) (Paraguay)

The main goal is the promotion of Master's Degree of high school business and Humanism among the staff, students and professors of the ID and entities of the public and private sector in Paraguay.

The student has the possibility of co-supervision or co-direction with professors from other universities.