Training activities
No. of hours: 15
elective subject
Description: attendance and participation in the teaching and research seminars that take place during the academic year at department to which PhD student is attached. The Departments of the School of Communication organises these meetings on a weekly or fortnightly basis, lasting one hour.
Relationship with competences:
-Core competences: CB14, CB15
-Capacities and skills: CA04
-Other competences: OC01, OC03, OC05
No. of hours: 80
Description: Publication of articles in leading journals/journals and/or book chapters/monographs in prestigious publishing houses. Although it is very difficult to estimate this activity, it seems reasonable to estimate that the writing of this subject of texts may take at least two to three weeks.
Relationship with competences:
-Core Competences: CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16
-Capacities and skills: CA01, CA02, CA05
-Other competences: OC01, OC02, OC04, OC05
No. of hours: 5
Description: The PhD student should participate in courses, seminars or other training activities for the research offered by the School of doctorate. An example of this subject of courses related to the use of resources and documentary sources, but can be another subject of activities of training, especially in techniques of research that fit the needs of PhD student.
Relationship with competences:
-Core competences: CB11, BC12, CB13, CB12, CB16
-Capacities and skills: CA03
-Other competences: OC3, OC4, OC05
No. of hours: 3
Description: Every year, from the second year onwards, it is compulsory for PhD student to present the state of their research to the professors of department in a formal session. The first session will deal with the approach of the Thesis (background, hypotheses, objectives, work plan) and the following follow-up sessions will involve the presentation of an advance of the research results and its most significant conclusions.
Relationship with competences:
-Core competences: CB14, CB15
-Capacities and skills: CA06
-Other competences: OC1, OC2, OC3
No. of hours: 400
elective subject
Description: As far as possible, doctoral students will be encouraged to undertake research stays in national or foreign centres where they can carry out activities (training, work in research teams, etc.) that will contribute to improving their work at doctoral dissertation. Although the timing of these activities will depend on the particular circumstances of each PhD student and their research, it is considered that at least one term's stay abroad should be undertaken during the PhD.
Relationship with competences:
-Core competencies: CB11, CB15
-Capacities and skills: CA01, CA03, CA04
-Other competences: OC1, OC2
No. of hours: 15
Description: With the approval of the Tutor, it will have the nature of educational activity the attendance and participation of the PhD student in Seminars, Congresses and Conferences in its field of specialization program. Whether by attendance, given the interest of the subject matter of the event, or by active participation, through the presentation of papers, these activities have a special interest in introducing PhD student to the world of specialists and research approaches specific to their field. As far as possible, PhD student will be encouraged to participate in at least one scientific event each year at subject.
Relationship with competences:
-Basic competences: CB12, CB14, CB15
-Capacities and skills: CA04, CA05,CA06
-Other competences: OC01, OC02
No. of hours: 10
elective subject
Description: Both in the School of Communication, and in the environment of the research projects of research groups that participate in the doctoral program, congresses and scientific meetings are organised with different periodicities in which doctoral students related to the topics of these events usually participate in organisational activities. The participation of PhD student, with the approval of Tutor, in the Organising Committee of these scientific meetings, with detailed reference to the activities carried out, will be recognised as educational activity .
Relationship with competences:
-Basic competences: CB15, CB16
-Capacities and skills: CA04
-Other competences: OC05
international outreach
The doctoral program in Communication has an international vocation, and therefore encourages research of this nature, for which the Programme is included in some of the collaboration and exchange agreements for lecturers and students signed by the School in Communication at the University of Navarra.
The most common collaborations deriving from the activities carried out under these agreements are as follows:
- Visits from foreign lecturers who, in the framework of their activities in the School of Communication, hold meetings or participate in sessions with PhD students.
- Destinations for research visits by students at doctoral program.
- Participation of professors from these universities in the processes necessary to achieve the International Doctorate (expert reports, participation in thesis tribunals, research tutorials).
- Possible co-direction or co-supervision of theses by professors from these universities.
These relations with international institutions are important both for obtaining the International Doctorate, as well as for possible International Co-Doctorates.
International mention in the title of Doctor
The title of Doctor may include the words "International Doctor" on the front of the degree, provided that the following circumstances are met:
During the period of training required to obtain the PhD degree, PhD student must have spent a minimum of three months outside Spain at a prestigious higher education institution or research centre, studying or carrying out research work. The stay and the activities must be endorsed by the director and authorised by the Academic Committee, and will be included in the activities document of the PhD student.
In addition, the PhD student must submit a certificate from the institution where the stay was carried out, certifying the duration of the stay and that the activity carried out is related to the doctoral dissertation.
Part of the doctoral dissertation, at least the summary and the conclusions, must have been written and presented in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in the field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain. This rule will not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country.
The thesis must have been peer-reviewed by at least two PhD experts from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute.
At least one expert belonging to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, with the title of doctor, and other than the person responsible for the stay mentioned in section a), must have been a member of the thesis examining board.
The title of Doctor will include on its obverse side the statement "Thesis in co-supervision with the University U", provided that the following circumstances are met:
That the doctoral dissertation is supervised by two or more PhDs from two universities, one Spanish and one foreign, who must formalise a co-supervision agreement.
During the period of training required to obtain the PhD degree, PhD student must have spent a minimum of six months at the institution with which the co-supervision agreement is established, carrying out research work, either in a single period or in several periods. Stays and activities will be reflected in the co-supervision agreement.
1. The Industrial Doctorate involves the completion of a doctoral dissertation on the framework of a research project of a business, which falls within one of the lines of research of a doctoral program of the University.
signature 2. A collaboration agreement will be necessary between business and Doctoral School according to the established model .
3. Academic regime:
a) The student will apply for admission to a doctoral program offered by the UN and will be governed by the provisions of RD 99/2011.
b) Your thesis Director will be part of one of the research groups of the doctoral program and will meet the requirements established by the rules and regulations of the Doctoral School.
c) The PhD student will have a tutor at business who will act as advisor in matters related to the professional field. If the tutor complies with the established requirements he/she may be appointed director of the thesis.
d) The PhD student will have the status of student full-time except for the training activities, as it will have to pass those foreseen for students part-time.
4. Contracting regime: The PhD student must be contracted by the business for at least the time foreseen in the agreement for the realisation of the doctoral dissertation.
5. Confidentiality: In the event that the collaboration agreement includes a confidentiality clause with the business or the possibility of generating patents, the doctoral dissertation will be subject to the protocol established for this purpose by the Doctoral School.
6. Mention of "Industrial Doctorate": Once the doctoral dissertation has been defended in the framework established in the agreement, a mention of "Industrial Doctorate" will be included in the official transcript of the student .
Germany |
Germany |
Germany |
Germany |
Germany |
Australia |
Australia |
South Korea |
Slovakia |
France |
Netherlands |
Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
Portugal |
Switzerland |
Mercedes Muñoz
coordinator of the Programme
University Campus
31009 Pamplona, Spain
Elena Gutiérrez García
assistant to the the Program Coordinator
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00
Rebeca Martínez Gurrea
Secretariat of postgraduate program
31009 Pamplona, Spain