Aplicaciones anidadas


Doctoral programs


The high schoolCore Curriculum organises the educational activityof doctorate:

" researchat the University: multidisciplinarity Ethics and society".

Aplicaciones anidadas


This activity offers a basic trainingon the foundations of the University of Navarra's projecteducational in relation to some of the most relevant issues in the current scientific and cultural context. It consists of a series of sessions given by different professors from the University, coming from very diverse areas, who try to open up interdisciplinary reflection and dialogue among students on the issues they address, always related to the anthropological and ethical foundations of the researchand the university teaching.

The meetingbetween teachers and students of doctoratefrom different areas favours the global perspective that the academic field necessarily requires.





Students are confronted with the problems posed in other areas of knowledgeand research.


They find a common frameworkand a university projectin which their workas researchers is inscribed.


They acquire a broader and more realistic view of the institution in which they work.


They have the opportunity to rationalise about the positive and stimulating relationship between the different areas of research and the contributions of Christianity that the University tries to keep in mind.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Academic regime

This is a compulsory educational activity that must be taken by all students enrolled at Doctoral School of the University of Navarra.
Residents of Clínica Universidad de Navarra (Pamplona and Madrid) are not required to take this activity.
At present, this educational activity is not equivalent to any of the subjects, courses or master's degrees taught at the University of Navarra, nor to activities carried out at other universities.
The activity is open to all professors of the University who wish to attend.  


General information

In order to make it easier for students who have to enrol in this course to find the most convenient time to take it, during academic year there are usually two editions with different schedule: December and May.

In this 2024-2025 academic year, the first edition will take place from 9 to 13 December 2024 in schedule from 9:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and the second edition will take place from May 7 to 9, 2025, in schedule from 10.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. except on 9 May from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.

The completion of a brief work on the sessions and a selection of texts that delve into the topics to be covered in each one of them is required. The academic load is 35 hours (15 hours of face-to-face activities and 20 hours of work staff ). The activity is of modality mandatory face-to-face, so any absence must be adequately justified and ultimately written request with the approval of the Institute Core Curriculum (icc@unav.es). In the case of absence for more than one day, even if justified, the call will be cancelled.

The formalisation of the enrollment can be done at Doctoral School, by sending an e-mail to the following address: escueladoctorado@unav.es

doctorado_desplegable_Programa diciembre 2021

educational activity of doctorate
" research AT THE UNIVERSITY: multidisciplinarity, ETHICS AND SOCIETY

december 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, 2023
classroom 10 - Ed. FRIENDS

Monday, December 11

8.45-9.00 submission accreditations

9.00-9.15 presentation
Prof. Manuel Martín Algarra
Deputy Director from high school Core Curriculum
Full Professor from department of Public Communication. School of Communication

9.15-10.15 research and teaching in today's university
Prof. Pablo Pérez López
Director scientist of Institute for Culture and Society (ICS)
Full Professor of Contemporary History. School of Philosophy and Letters.

10:15-10:30 a.m. Break

10.30-11.30 Groups of work: the mission statement and identity of the university
group 1: classroom 10. Moderator: Pablo Pérez López
group 2: seminar 14. Moderator: Manuel Martín Algarra
group 3: seminar 15. Moderated by: Rafael García Pérez. Senior Associate Professor of History of Law. School de Derecho

11.30-12.00 The University of Navarre
Prof. María Iraburu
president of the University of Navarra
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from department of Biochemistry and Genetics. School of Sciences.

Tuesday, December 12

9.00-10.00 Human being and natural environment: reflections on the culture of the relationship with the earth
Prof. Jordi Puig Baguer
Senior Associate Professor from department of Environmental Biology. School of Sciences

10.00-10.15 Break

10.15-11.00. The University as a place of learning multidisciplinarity
Prof. Ignacio López Goñi
Full Professor from department of Microbiology and Parasitology. School of Medicine

11.00-12.00 Groups of work:
group "multidisciplinarity": classroom 10. Moderator: Ignacio López Goñi
group "University and Environment": seminar 14. Moderator: Jordi Puig Baguer

Wednesday, December 13

9.00-10.00 University and intellectual life. Articulation of thought and life
Prof. Luis Montuenga Badía
Full Professor of Cell Biology. department of Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology. School of Medicine.
researcher Senior. Solid Tumor Program of the CIMA

10.00-10.15 Break

10.15-11.00 Ethics in the research
Prof. Pilar León Sanz
Professor of the Unit of Humanities and Medical Ethics. School of Medicine.
board member of the committee of Ethics of the research of the University of Navarra. 

11.00-12.00 Groups of workGood practices of the PhD student
group 1: classroom 10. Moderator: Pilar León Sanz
group 2: seminar 14. Moderated by: Luis Montuenga Badía
group 3: seminar 15. Moderator: Marta Torregrosa Puig. Associate Professor at department of Culture and Visual Communication. School of Communication.

Thursday, December 14th

9.00-10.00 Christian-inspired universities in a pluralistic society
Ricardo Piñero Moral
Full Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts. School of Philosophy and Letters.
Director from high school Core Curriculum .

10.00-10.15 Break

10.15-11.00 Dialogues between science and religion: What can religion contribute to science?
Prof. Rubén Herce Fernández
Industrial Engineer and Associate Professor of Philosophy, secretary of group of research Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF) and co-director of the journal Scientia et Fides. Deputy Director of the Institute. Core Curriculum

11.00-12.00 Groups of workReligion, science and university
group 1: classroom 10. Moderator: Rubén Herce Fernández.
group 2: seminar 14. Moderator: Antonino González. Professor partner. Institute Core Curriculum.
group 3: seminar 15. Moderator: Alejandro Martínez Carrasco. Associate Professor of department of Philosophy. School of Philosophy and Letters. 

Friday, December 15

9.00-9.45 The Social Responsibility of the University
Prof. Paloma Grau.
Vice President research and sustainability. Professor at department of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. School of Engineering TECNUN. Collaborating researcher at CEIT.

9:45-10:15 a.m. Break

10.15-12.00 roundtable : Social engagement projects of the University

Ms. Pilar Lorenzo Morales. Director of Corporate Social Responsibility of Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Director of the Social Program "Children against cancer".

Prof. Fco. Javier Andreu Pintado. Full Professor of Ancient History. Director of department of History, Art History and Geography. researcher main project historical-archaeological in the Roman city of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza).

Prof. Ana María Sánchez-Ostiz. Professor of department of Construction, Installations and Structures. School of Architecture. Coordinator of group of research SAVIArquitectura.

educational activity of doctorate
" research AT THE UNIVERSITY: multidisciplinarity, ETHICS AND SOCIETY".

May 8th, 9th and 10th, 2024
classroom 10 - Ed. FRIENDS


Wednesday, May 8

10.00-10.15 presentation
Prof. Manuel Martín Algarra
Deputy Director of the Institute Core Curriculum.
Full Professor from department of Public Communication. School of Communication.

10.15-10.45 The University of Navarra
Prof. María Iraburu
president of the University of Navarra
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from department of Biochemistry and Genetics. School of Sciences.

10.45-11.15 The research at the University of Navarra
Prof. Paloma Grau
Vice President from research and sustainability
Professor of department of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences. School of Engineering TECNUN. Collaborating researcher at CEIT.

11.15-11.45 Breve presentation de los doctorandos (lugar de procedencia, programas de doctorate)

11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Break

12.00-13.00 research and teaching in today's University
Prof. Pablo Pérez López
Director scientist of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS)
Full Professor of Contemporary History.
School of Philosophy and Letters.

13.00-13.45 Groups of work: the mission statement and identity of the university
group 1: classroom 10. Chair: Pablo Pérez López.
group 2: seminar 14. Moderator: Manuel Martín Algarra.
group 3: seminar 15. Chair: Rafael García Pérez. Senior Associate Professor de History of Law. School de Derecho

13:45-15:00 Lunch and coffee

15.00-15.45 Best practices in the research
Prof. Pilar León
Professor of the Unit of Humanities and Medical Ethics. School of Medicine. board member of the committee of Ethics of the research of the University of Navarra. 

15:45-16:15 Break

16.15-17.30 University and intellectual life. Intellectual habits for the research.
Prof. Luis Montuenga
Full Professor of Cell Biology. department of Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology. School of Medicine.
researcher Senior. Solid Tumor Program of the CIMA

Prof. Fernando Simón: Senior Associate Professor of Constitutional Law. department of Public Law and Legal Institutions. School of Law.

17.30-18.30 Groups of work: Good practices of the PhD student
group 1: classroom 3. Moderator: Luis Montuenga.
group 2: seminar 14. Moderator: Fernando Simón.
group 3 (researchers with dedication part-time or with years of professional experience): seminar 15. Moderator: Antonino González. Professor partner. Institute Core Curriculum.

6:30 p.m. End

Thursday, May 9th

10.00-11.00 Human being and natural environment: reflections on the culture of the relationship with the earth
Prof. Jordi Puig
Senior Associate Professor from department of Environmental Biology. School of Sciences

11.00-12.00 Brief explanation of the projects of thesis of the doctoral students .

12:00-12:15 Break

12.15-13.00 The University as a place for learning and education multidisciplinarity
Prof. Ignacio López-Goñi
Full Professor from department of Microbiology and Parasitology. School of Medicine

13.00-14.00 Groups of work:
group "multidisciplinarity": classroom 10. Moderated by: Ignacio López Goñi
group "University and Environment": seminar 14. Moderator: Jordi Puig i Baguer.

14.00 Lunch 

15.30-16.15 Café Tertulia-colloquium: Projects of social and environmental commitment of the University.
Prof. Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero
Full Professor of business Informative. department of Marketing and Communication Companies. School of Communication.
President of the association of Friends of the University of Navarra. 

16.15-17.15 The psychological wellbeing of the PhD student
Prof. Enrique Aubá
Specialist in Psychiatry. Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Professor partner of the School of Medicine. coordinator of the project "Health and Well-being" of the Strategy 2025 of the University of Navarra. 

17:15-17:30 Break

17.30-18.30 The need for the useless.
Prof. Raquel Cascales
Professor teaching assistant doctor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts at Philosophy and of Anthropology and Ethics at design at School of Architecture. Researcher at Institute for Culture and Society.

18.30 End

Friday, May 10th

10.00- 11.00 Christian-inspired universities in a pluralistic society
Prof. Ricardo Piñero Moral
Full Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts. School of Philosophy and Letters. Director of the Institute Core Curriculum.

11.00-11.30 Photo of group and break 

11.30-12.15 Dialogues between science and religion: What can religion contribute to science?
Prof. Rubén Herce Fernández
Industrial engineer and Associate Professor of Philosophy, secretary of group of research Science, Reason and Faith (CRYF) and co-director of the journal Scientia et Fides. Deputy Director of the Institute Core Curriculum.

12.15-13.15 Groups of work: Religion, science and university
group 1: classroom 10. Chair: Rubén Herce Fernández.
group 2: seminar 14. Moderator: Antonino González. Professor partner. Institute Core Curriculum.
group 3: seminar 15. Moderator: Alejandro Martínez Carrasco. Associate Professor of department of Philosophy. School of Philosophy and Letters. 

13.15 Conclusion of the course. Prof. Manuel Martín Algarra.

14.00 End

