Gaitán, Leandro: "Human nature and posthuman rights: Why is Francis Fukuyama right?", 2021. (article scientific)
summaryThe purpose of article is to justify Francis Fukuyama's critique of the bioliberal conception of the human being and his proposal of modifying (improving) him technologically to turn him into a posthuman (with the consequences that this entails, especially with regard to the possible coexistence between humans and posthumans). Fukuyama was, in fact, one of the first and most resounding voices to speak out against the bioliberal utopia. This made him the target of numerous criticisms. The present work focuses on the two arguments that best synthesize the diversity of objections launched against Fukuyama, and attempts to show that neither of them succeeds in dismantling his critique. Consequently, it suggests that Fukuyama's thesis on topic remains valid (at least in its fundamental postulates) and merits further analysis and development.
Favale, Abigail. The genesis of gender. A Christian Theory. Ignatius Press, 2022, 248 pp. (informative book). Locate it at Library Services. (informative book).
The author is Abigail Favale, professor and writer at the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame (USA). The book presents an intellectual overview of contemporary feminism and gender theory in contrast/conversation with a Christian anthropology that stresses the corporeal-spiritual unity of the human being, his or her sexual difference and the infinite dignity of each human person. A positive vision of the body as a gift received from God.
What is interesting is that the author intersperses it with her own experience. She, after studying Philosophy at George Fox University, was a lecturer in feminist literary criticism and programs of study gender at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland while pursuing her thesis doctoral degree in English literature. In 2014 she experienced a conversion to Catholicism, which caused her to rethink her view of the human being. That close knowledge of feminist and gender theories give her a greater authority when dealing with these topics.
The book is informative, entertaining and very well written. This makes it especially useful for people who want to begin to understand the theory of gender, the Christian vision of it, while inspiring a way of approaching transgender people, full of deep respect, truth and charity.
"Seekers of meaning. Perspectives on faith and culture" (article ): This is a section within portal that deals with different concepts. Each concept (love, beauty, freedom, destiny, fragility, etc.) is complemented by a page of literature, a film, a work of art, some pages of Philosophy and theology, a story, a quotation of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, a quotation of the Bible, etc. In this way there is a variety of approaches to the same concept. It can be useful to illustrate the explanation of a topic, as a complementary bibliography , etc. Although the portal is in Italian, you can enable the tool of google which translates the entire web page from Italian into English.
Bernácer, Javier: "la libertad humana desde las neurociencias" (Video 45 min), 2022:
The speaker is Javier Bernácer, researcher of the group 'Mind-Brain' of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra. In this lecture, given at the I congress of the Spanish Section of the Society of Catholic Scientists (SCS), held from September 15 to 17, 2022 at the headquarters of the ICS, Bernácer exposes the different positions in the field of neuroscience on the topic of freedom (depending on the previous idea that one has about the mind-brain relationship). Among other topics, Bernácer sample through scientific programs of study the behavioral consequences of believing or not in the existence of freedom and explains in detail the lack of scientific foundation of Libet's experiments. Finally, he concludes that neuroscience has not demonstrated that freedom does not exist and that it can provide interesting data related to it, such as moral responsibility in mental illness or with brain implants. The session is given with an informative tone, it is understandable for a non-scientific audience.
Anthropology and Ethics Resources
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Audiovisual material
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Speakers: Prof. Carlos Centeno, Dr. Marina Martínez, Dr. Ana Serrano, Carla Reigada, Prof. José María Torralba.
Videos: -
roundtable "On Euthanasia: Recovering a Sense of Dignity, Care and Autonomy" 22 April 2021, University of Navarra
Speakers: Prof. Carlos Centeno, Prof. Pilar Zambrano, Prof. Teresa Sádaba and Prof. José María Torralba. Moderator: Prof. Mercedes Pérez Díez del Corral.
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God in the brain? The religious experience from Neuroscience”, 2010.
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