History of the Institute

University of Navarra Foundation
Since its foundation, the University of Navarra has been committed to offering its students a comprehensive Education , that is to say, complete
Creation of high school of Anthropology and Ethics (IAE).
From the beginning, the Schools of Theology and Philosophy and Letters have had the mission statement of, in addition to attending to teaching and research, offering all the students and lecturers of the university a general humanistic Education . Over time it became clear that, due to the interdisciplinary and inter-faculty nature of project, it was also of interest to have a specific centre, under the auspices of Office of the Executive Council, to promote and coordinate these efforts.
International Symposium "Christian Faith and Contemporary Culture".
From that year until 2005, this symposium dedicated to the major intellectual debates of the day was organised annually.
Course "instructions anthropological and ethical aspects of the research in the university".
I EditionFor doctoral students at the university.
Core Curriculum
The name "Core Curriculum", common in many universities, has been introduced to designate the contents of training general transversal contents of the Degrees. In addition to the subjects of Anthropology and Ethics, which have been taught since 1994, an optional module "Cultural Keys" is added, which includes two subjects of literature, history, science or theology content, such as "Introduction to Christianity".
Creation of the Commission Core Curriculum and organization of the First workshop on the Identity of the University.
Approval of the "Principles of the Core Curriculum of the University of Navarra".
These principles update and define the objectives of this teaching.
First edition of the DOCENS Program for faculty in training at the University of Navarra
The Great Books Program is implemented -pathway Interfacultative of the Core Curriculum
It offers students the possibility of taking subjects using the methodology of the great book seminars, which have a long tradition in many academic centers.
The I Lesson on "The aims of the Education" takes place, lecture annual organized to reflect on the mission statement of the university and the current challenges of the Education higher education. It also serves as the opening ceremony for the students and professors of the pathway Interfaculty-Great Books Program of the University of Navarra.
The Institute of Anthropology and Ethics becomes the Institute Core Curriculum (ICC).
The interdisciplinary workshop "Ecology and development human. Conversations on Laudato si'".
Seminars Good practices in the research
At the initiative of Office of the Vice President for Research, the Institute began to organize seminars on "Good practices in the research", aimed at University professors and researchers.
Organization of two international congresses
The III European Liberal Arts and Core Texts Education Conference: "Caring for souls: Can Core Texts Educate Character?" and the III International John Henry Newman colloquium : "La Education Liberal en John Henry Newman".
Theology of the body course
signature A partnership agreement with the Veritas Amoris Foundation, for the organization of formative activities. The first is the Cycle "Person, love and Education", of three years' duration, which begins with the course "Theology of the body: a language to decipher".
Organization of the 1st summer course
"The challenge of reading on the classroom" to teach the methodology of great books seminars to college and university professors.