Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC)

As a member of the ACTC, the University of Navarra has co-organized several European congresses on Core Curriculum, including congress: "Caring for Souls: Can Core Texts Educate Character?" held in 2019 at the Pamplona campus of the University of Navarra.
The University of Navarra is a member of the Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC), which brings together more than one hundred academic centres in America, Europe and Asia, such as Columbia, Notre Dame, Dallas and Yale Universities.
Among the ACTC projects is the Qualitative Narrative Assessment (QNA), a study of the educational impact of classic texts or texts with great cultural repercussions. This project project involves several universities, including the University of Navarra, and aims to qualitatively assess the learning of university students taking subjects at Core Curriculum based on the reading and discussion of the "Great Texts".
The QNA coordinators at the University of Navarra are Professors Álvaro Sánchez-Ostiz and José María Torralba.