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DOCENS program for faculty in training


The DOCENS Programme goal aims to provide all incoming professors with the necessary training resources to exercise the teaching at the University of Navarra. To this end, the programme addresses both institutional aspects, derived from the nature of the university and the characteristics of the higher Education , as well as issues related to the skills and knowledge necessary for a teacher to adequately perform his or her educational task; it also addresses the methodological and instrumental issues of the teaching.

The starting point of the programme is the professor dimension of the university teacher. The activity professor is taken as the unifying principle of the various tasks performed by a teacher.

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Aimed primarily at faculty in training at the University of Navarra.


Two academic years


Seminars, lectures and readings

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Dialogue and reflection among teachers


certificate of participation


Accompanying through the figure of the mentor


Programme contents

(1) University: the university institution. The missions of the university: training people, preparing professionals, research. The university as a place of cultured coexistence. The social function of the university.

(2) Universities of Christian inspiration. What Christianity brings to the university task. Unity of knowledge. Science and faith.

(3) University of Navarra: history and statement of core values. Values: work well done; unity and pluralism; spirit of service. Style of governance: collegiality, unity.

(4) Nature and purpose of tutorial staff . Counselling as a means of comprehensive training for students.

(5) The academic degree program . Substantive issues: meaning of research for the professor's own intellectual life. Integrating research, teaching, management and counseling. Ensuring a solid academic training of the professor. Short, medium and long term planning. rules and regulations of the faculty of the University of Navarra. Practical issues, internationalization and professional development at the university.

(6) Organisation and Governing Body of the University. Style of governance: collegiality, unity. The University's economic management .

(1) Scope and methodology of experimental, social and human sciences. Science and sciences; truth and truths. Specific issues: dogmatism, positivism, relativism. Cosmovision of each discipline.

(2) Ethics and science. The limits of science as internal limits (of scientists themselves) and not "imposed" from outside.

(3) Cultural, moral and political keys to the current social status . Sensitivity to the needs, problems and shortcomings of society. Need to develop cultural interests: reading.

(4) Attitudes of work professor : concern for the student, humility, love of truth, professionalism. The ethics of work professor . Intellectual virtues: honesty, rigour, prudence, etc. Moral implications of the profession.

(5) The intellectual training of students: teaching how to think and argue. The principles of human learning: interest, relationship, report.

(6) The training of personality: psychological maturity and human development .

(7) The global training project of each School or School.

(8) Specific characteristics of teaching in each School or School.

(1) framework of the methodology professor: centrality of the teaching for the professionalism of the university teacher. Unity and coherence of the different dimensions of the task professor: means and techniques at the service of the teaching/learning process.

(2) Planning of the teaching: factors to be taken into account: issue of students; the organisation professor; partnership of other teachers; material resources. design of the subject: objectives, competences, time of dedication of students, preparation of materials. Development of guide professor .

(3) development of the teaching. teaching on classroom: seminars, lectures, case studies, PBL, practicals. Tutorials. Learning tools.

(4) The competences of the teacher in the professor experience: speech enthusiastic; clarity; order; empathy; confident vision of the students' abilities.

(5) The assessment: approach and objectives; types of tests; relation to learning styles; co-ordination; proportionality. Academic results: analysis and interpretation.

(6) Innovation professor. The importance of critical reflection on one's own task professor. Sensitivity to learners' perceptions; flexibility, work in teams and openness to innovate teaching.



Bishop Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, "La Universidad al servicio de la sociedad actual", in Conversaciones con Mons. Escrivá de Balaguer, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1968, nos. 73-86.

Josemaría Escrivá and the university, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1993. [Contains the "Texts of Josemaría Escrivá on the university" (pp. 45-152), contributions by Carmen Castillo, Jesús Honorato, Leonardo Polo, Francisco Ponz, Pedro Rodríguez and Alejandro Llano (pp. 155-276)].

Bishop Álvaro del Portillo, "La Universidad en el pensamiento y la acción apostólica de Mons. Josemaría Escrivá," in Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y la universidad, Eunsa, Pamplona, 1993, pp. 13-39.
[Commentary on St. Josemaría's texts on the university.]

-Dar entusiasmo a un mundo cansado", in Nuestro Tiempo, 477 (1994) pp.120-124. [speech in the doctoral graduation ceremony Honoris Causa, University of Navarra, 1994].

Bishop Javier Echevarría, Interview in Nuestro Tiempo, January-February 2000; reported in Romana, 30 (2000).

Albareda y Herrera, J.M., Life of intelligenceEMESA, Madrid, 1971.

Ponz, F., Reflections on university work. Speeches and other interventions as President of the University of Navarra (1966-79).Eunsa, Pamplona, 1988.
[Especially the chapter "La Education y el quehacer educational en las enseñanzas de Monseñor Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer" (pp. 29-86) and the chapters of section II "Acerca de la universidad" (pp. 89-238)].

-Foundational Principles of the University of Navarra," 2001, in Díaz, Onésimo; Requena, Federico, Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y los inicios de la Universidad de Navarra (1952-1960), Eunsa, Pamplona, 2002, pp. 643-687.

Llano, A., Speeches at the University (1991-1996). 25 years of Chair, Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2001. [There is an excerpt of the most relevant passages available on the IAE website]

-, La Universidad ante lo nuevoEdiciones Internacionales Universitarias, Barcelona, 2003. [Keynote lecture at the opening ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the University of Navarra] -, "La Universidad ante lo nuevo", Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, Barcelona, 2003.

- University and Unity of Life according to St. Josemaría Escrivá," in Romana, XVI, no. 30 (2000), pp. 112-125. [ y unidad de vida.pdf].

Díaz, O. - Requena, F. (eds.) Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer y los inicios de la Universidad de Navarra (1952-1960), Eunsa, Pamplona, 2002. [Includes texts by José María Bastero de Elizalde, Ismael Sánchez Bella, Francisco Ponz, José Javier López Jacoiste, Juan Antonio Paniagua, Guadalupe Arribas and Rosario Serrano, Federico Suárez, Antonio Fontán, Antonio Valero]. 

Bell, D., The Reforming of General Education. The Columbia Experience and its National Setting, 1st ed. 1966, New Brunswick, Transaction, 2011.
[The author was a well-known sociologist. Describes the development of general Education at Harvard, Chicago, and Columbia in the first half of the twentieth century (pp. 12-68). Includes reflections of interest on methodology professor and the impact of social transformations on higher Education (pp. 149-178, 274-312)]

Gray, H. H.., Searching for Utopia. Universities and their HistoriesUniversity of California Press, Berkeley, 2012. [Short book on the history of universities, with abundant bibliographical references, which synthesises current debates on the model university. The author was professor of history and president of the University of Chicago (1978-1993)].

Jaspers, K., La idea de la universidad, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2013.

Kerr, C., The Uses of the UniversityFifth Edition, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2001.
[This is a contemporary classic on the institution of the university. He coined the term "multiversity" to describe the current status of the university. Of interest because it captures the current debates and challenges of the university: plurality of missions, governance, funding, etc. It explains the emergence of the research university. The author directed the University of Berkeley (1952-1958) and later the entire University of California system (until 1967)].

MacIntyre, A., Three rival versions of ethics. Encyclopedia, genealogy and traditionRialp, Madrid 1992.
[The author is one of the main voices of current thought. Particularly interesting is chapter X: "Reconsideration of the university as an institution and of the master lecture as a genre. He advocates the university as an educational community, dialogue between rival intellectual traditions, and unity of knowledge. He develops these ideas in other publications. He has also written on Christian identity].

Newman, J. H., Speeches on the purpose and nature of the university Education Eunsa, Pamplona, 2011.

-, Christianity and Science in the UniversityEunsa, Pamplona, 2011.
[Newman's book The Idea of a University consists of two parts. The first is fully translated in Discourses on the End of the University.... Of the second, for the moment only the translation of some chapters has been published in Cristianismo y ciencias...]].

Ortega y Gasset, José, "mission statement de la Universidad (1930)", in Obras Completas, Volume IV, Revista de Occidente, Madrid, 1947.
[Text thematically related to his work La rebelión de las masas. Defines the three missions of the university: to train people, to prepare professionals and to do research. Contains a critique of "specialism", but should not be understood as a rejection of the research]

La rebelión de las masas, Alianza publishing house, Madrid, 1995 [1930], pp.45-143.

Tanzella-Nitti, G., Passione per la verita e responsabilita del sapere. Un'idea di universita nel magistero di Giovanni Paolo II, Piemme, Casale Monferrato, 1998. [Systematic and contextualised study of the texts of John Paul II on Education and the university].

VV.AA., The Idea of the University in Germany Library Services Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1959.
[As reference letter, of interest are: Humboldt, W., On the internal and external organisation of higher scientific establishments in Berlin, pp. 209-219; Scheler, M., University and Volkshochschule, pp. 341-390; Jaspers, K., The Idea of the University, pp. 391-524].

Agazzi, E., El bien, el mal y la ciencia. Las dimensiones éticas de la business científico-tecnológica, Tecnos, Madrid, 1996.

Alberts, B. - Shine, K., "Scientists and the Integrity of Research", in Science, New Series, Vol.266, No.5191, 9 December 1994, pp.1660-1661.

Alvira, R., "Sobre la status del humanismo hoy", in Alvira, R. - Spang, K. (eds.), Humanities for the 21st centuryEunsa, Pamplona, 2006.

Arana, J., El caos del knowledge. Del árbol de las ciencias a la maraña del saber, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2004.

Aranda, A. (ed.), Christian identity. University ColloquiaEunsa, Pamplona, 2007.
[Gathers more than 40 texts by university professors from all disciplines].

Artigas, M., Science, reason and faithEunsa, Pamplona, 2011.

Bain, K., What the best university professors doPublicacions de la Universitat de València, Valencia, 2007.
[available in resource electronic at Library Services, in its original English version].

Ballesteros, J., Postmodernidad: decadencia o resistencia, Tecnos, Barcelona, 2000.

Barea Mateo, M.T., et al., "El profesor universitario: búsqueda, razón y relación" in Galán, Arturo (ed.), El profile del profesor universitario. status actual y retos de futuro, meeting, Madrid, 2007, pp.185-209.

Bird, S.J., "Social Responsibility and Research Ethics: Not Either/Or but Both", in AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 3 July 2014. This article was previously published in Professional Ethics Report, Spring 2014, Vol.XXVII, no.2, pp.1-4.

Clavell, Ll., "Razón y fe en la universidad:civil service examination o partnership?", Documentos del high school de Antropología y Ética, n. 23.
[Contains bibliographical references of interest, particularly on the unity of knowledge and multidisciplinarity].

-, issue monographic "Education and University." certificate Philosophica, 22/2 (2013).

D'Ors, A., "specialization, universalidad y acribia en la ciencias históricas", in D'Ors, A., Papers from the university official document Rialp, Madrid, 1961.

Giménez Amaya, J. M. - Sánchez-Migallón, S., Alasdair MacIntyre's diagnosis of the UniversityEunsa, Pamplona, 2011.

González, A. M., The identity of the universityDocuments of the high school of Anthropology and Ethics.

Guitton, J., The intellectual work Rialp, Madrid, 1999.

Illanes, J. L.,"Teología y Ciencias en una visión cristiana de la Universidad", in Scripta Theologica, 14 (1982), pp. 873-888.

Ker, I., "Newman's Idea of a University and its Relevance for the 21st Century," in Australian Journal of Theology, 18/1 (2011), pp. 19-32.
[Cautions against common errors in the interpretation of Newman's educational conception: about the rejection of the research, the primacy of the Philosophy and the exclusion of the training moral ]

Laspalas, J. - González, M. C. - Molinos Tejada, M. del C. (eds.), teaching and training. programs of study in honour of Professor José Luis González-SimancasPamplona, Eunsa, 1998.

Llano, A.,"Claves filosóficas de los actuales debates culturales". lecture given on 26 February 1996, at a meeting of teachers from Philosophy held in La Lloma, Valencia.

López Moratalla, N., "Ética de la research científica", in VV.AA., Deontología Biológica, School de Ciencias Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 1987, pp.229-241.

-, "The commitment to truth, goodness and the unity of knowledge", in Quiroga, F. R., work and Education. congress International "The greatness of ordinary life"EDUSC, Rome, 2003, pp. 129-139.

- Rethinking science, Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, Madrid, 2006.

Lorda, J.L., La vida intelectual en la Universidad. Fundamentos, experiencias y libros, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2016.

Macfarlane, B., "I'm an academic and I want to be proud of it", in Times Higher Education, 4 October 2012.

Mora, J. M., "Universities of Christian inspiration: identity, culture, communication", in Romana, XXVIII (2012), pp. 194-220.

Naval, C. - Altarejos, F., "La training humana: Education y virtudes", in Naval, C.- Altarejos, F., Philosophy de la Education, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2004, 2nd edition, pp.191-226.

Nubiola, J., "El asesoramiento staff como taller de escritura", in programs of study sobre Education, 2 (2002), pp.85-96.

-, The workshop of the Philosophy. An introduction to philosophical writingEunsa, Pamplona, 2010. [Writing as cultivation of intelligence, Unity of thought and life.]

The University that the new society needs", lecture delivered at the University of Guatemala on 17 February 2015.

Natale, S. M. - Sora, S. A. - Drumheller, M., "The Importance of the University in the 21st Century: Ethical Conflicts and Moral Choices," in Journal of Academic Ethics, 10 (2012), pp. 1-8.

Maassen, P. - Olsen, J. P. (eds.), University Dynamics and European IntegrationSpringer, Dordrecht, 2007.

Pardo Saenz, J.M., "A life at the service of the sick. Conversation with Gonzalo Herranz", in Desde el corazón de la medicina. Homenaje a Gonzalo Herranz, OMC, Madrid, 2013, pp.58-77.

Pérez Díaz, V. - Rodríguez, J.C., Education superior y futuro de España, Fundación Santillana, Madrid, 2001.

Pérez Díaz, V., University, citizens and nomadsNobel, Oviedo, 2010.
[Contemporary sociological reflection. Compares the Spanish status with other educational traditions. Importance of the training of students and the social function of the university].

Ramió, C., guide para los atribulados profesores universitarios, Catarata, Madrid, 2014.

Ramón y Cajal, S., "Cualidades de orden moral que debe poseer un researcher", in Los tónicos de la voluntad. Reglas y consejos sobre research científica, Gadir, Madrid, 2006, pp.59-85.

Romera, L. - Rodríguez Duplá, L. - López Goñi, I., La fe en la universidad, Publishing Services of the University of Navarra, 2013.

Sánchez-Tabernero, A. (Alfonso)."The promotion of a reflective institutional culture for faculty training . Experiences at the University of Navarra," Revista Educatio Catholica 2 (2015): 33-41. 

Sarrais, F., Madurez psicológica y felicidad, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2013.

Stein, G., "Definición y tareas del management", in Stein, G., El arte de gobernar según Peter Drucker, management 2000, Barcelona, 1999, pp.170-183.

Torralba, J. M., "La Education liberal como mission statement de la universidad. Bibliographical introduction to discussion on the identity of the university", in certificate Philosophica, 22/2 (2013), pp. 257-276.

Wolpert, L., "The social responsability of scientists: moonshine and morals", in British Medical Journal, volume 298, 8 April 1989, pp.941-943.