
Course "The risk of freedom: from vulnerability to human fulfillment", from May 31 to June 2, 2023.
Juan José Pérez-Soba Diez del Corral. Workshops with Juan José Pérez-Soba, Luis Chiva and Raúl Sacristán. Profs. Juan José Pérez-Soba, Nieves González Rico and Jokin de Irala.
Course "The Education of affectivity: anthropological principles and practical applications", May 24, 25 and 26, 2021.
Speakers: Profs. Juan José Pérez-Soba, Nieves González Rico and Jokin de Irala.
Course "Theology of the Body. A language to decipher". June 1, 2 and 3, 2022.
speakerProf. José Granados.
roundtable "On Euthanasia: Reclaiming a Sense of Dignity, Care and Autonomy" 22 April 2021
Speakers: Prof. Carlos Centeno, Prof. Pilar Zambrano, Prof. Teresa Sádaba and Prof. José María Torralba. Moderator: Prof. Mercedes Pérez Díez del Corral.
workshop "Critical Thinking at University. Awakening interest in truth" 18 May 2021
Speakers: Prof. Aurora Bernal, Prof. David Reyero, Prof. Francisco Esteban bara, Prof. Francesc Torralba
workshop "Educating in beauty. A transformative experience" 15 December 2021
Speakers: Profs.Ricardo Piñero, Nieves Acedo, Luis Echarte, Rosa Fernández-Urtasun, Borja Quintás.
workshop "Science and Values of Palliative Care" 16 December 2020.
Speakers: Prof. Carlos Centeno, Dr. Marina Martínez, Dr. Ana Serrano, Carla Reigada, Prof. José María Torralba
workshop "development staff : the Education of character in university students" 2019
Alexandre Havard "From temperament to character".
workshop "development staff : the Education of character in university students" with Alexandre Havard, creator of the Virtuous Leadership System. 27 May 2019, University of Navarra. Organised by the high school Core Curriculum
Alexandre Havard "Introduction to temperaments and their challenges".
workshop "development staff : the Education of character in university students" with Alexandre Havard, creator of the Virtuous Leadership System. 27 May 2019, University of Navarra. Organised by the high school Core Curriculum
Alexandre Havard "Prudence, fortitude, justice, self-control and magnanimity".
workshop "development staff : the Education of character in university students" with Alexandre Havard, creator of the Virtuous Leadership System. 27 May 2019, University of Navarra. Organised by the high school Core Curriculum
Alexandre Havard "Humility from temperaments. colloquium with the public".
workshop "development staff : the Education of character in university students" with Alexandre Havard, creator of the Virtuous Leadership System. 27 May 2019, University of Navarra. Organised by the high school Core Curriculum