Publications on the identity of the University

The high school Core Curriculum has reprinted some publications whose content is of particular interest for the reflection on the identity of the University, in which the high school acknowledges its inspiration.
ESCRIVÁ DE BALAGUER, S. Josemaría, Josemaría Escrivá and the UniversityPamplona, EUNSA, 1993, 276 pp.
GARCÍA MORENTE, M., The university ideal and other essaysPamplona, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2012, 103 p.(Index)
GIMÉNEZ AMAYA, JOSÉ MANUEL, The University in Alasdair MacIntyre's sapiential project , EUNSA, 2020.
GIMÉNEZ AMAYA; SÁNCHEZ-MIGALLÓN, S., Alasdair MacIntyre's diagnosis of the University. Génesis y development de un project antropológico, EUNSA, 2011, 362 pp.
GUARDINI, R., Three writings on the universityPamplona, EUNSA, 2012, 81 pp.(Index)
HUTCHINS, R. La Education superior en América. Introductory study, translation, notes and epilogue by Ángel Pascual Martín, EUNSA, 2021, 214 pp.
HUTCHINS, R., The University of Utopia. Introductory study, translation and notes by Javier Aranguren, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2018, 191 p.
POLO, L., Keys to the University and the University Teacher. Introduction and notes by Silvia Carolina Martino, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2018, 108 p.
ROMERA, L.; Rodríguez Duplá, L.; López Goñi, I. Faith in the university (together with the group de research "Ciencia, Razón y Fe" -CRYF), Servicio Publicaciones Universidad de Navarra, 2013(Text-PDF)
SAYERS, D., Learning and working. Two texts by Dorothy Sayers. Introductory study, translation and notes by Javier Aranguren. EUNSA, 2019, 111 pp.
Addresses to the University (Regensburg, Rome, New York), Benedict XVI. (IAE document no. 1 - pdf)
Addresses to scientists and academics, Benedict XVI.(pdf); 6e. Speeches to Scientists and Academicians, Benedict XVI. (IAE document no. 6 - pdf)
Meetings with the university community (Rome and El Escorial), Benedict XVI. (IAE Document nº 16 - pdf)
The identity of the university institution, Ana Marta González. (IAE document nº 17 - pdf)
La Universidad en la vida y en la teaching de Mons. Escrivá de Balaguer, José Luis Illanes. (IAE Document nº 20 - pdf)
Speeches at European meetings of university professors, Benedict XVI. (IAE document no. 21 - pdf)
Theology and Science in a Christian vision of the University, José Luis Illanes. (IAE Document nº 22 - pdf)
University and unity of life according to Saint Josemaría Escrivá, Alejandro Llano. (IAE document no. 24 - pdf)
The Place of Theology in the University, Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá. (IAE Document nº 25 - pdf)
The University in the thought and apostolic action of Bishop Josemaría Escrivá, Bishop Alvaro del Portillo. (IAE document nº 34 - pdf)