
Academic staff

The lecturers who teach the subjects on Core Curriculum belong to the teaching staff of the various Schools and University Centres. 


  • Alejos Grau, Carmen José(calejos@unav.es)
    Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School de Teología. 

  • Alonso Bastarreche, Gonzalo(gabastarrec@unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant Doctor. School of Education and Psychology

  • Alva Rodríguez, Inmaculada(ialva@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Ardanaz Iñarga, Naiara(nardanaz@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . ISSA-School of Applied Management

  • Aurell Cardona, Jaume(saurell@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Azanza López, José Javier(jazanza@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Balibrea Cárceles, Miguel Ángel ( mabalibrea@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. high school Core Curriculum

  • Bartolomé Castilla, Rafael(rbartolome@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Benítez Mestre, Pedro Antonio(unav.es)
    Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Centers. School of Theology

  • Bernal Martínez de Soria, Aurora(abernal@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Education and Psychology

  • Bernal Pascual, José(jbernal@unav.es)
    Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School de Canon Law

  • Blanco Sarto, Pablo(pblanco@unav.es)
    Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Centers. School of Theology

  • Borobia Laca, Juan Jesús(jjbor@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Buch Rodríguez, Lucas(lbuch@unav.es)
    Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Carrica Ochoa, Sarah (scarrica@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School of Education and Psychology

  • Cascales Tornel, Raquel (rcascales@unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant doctor. School of Architecture

  • Chapa Prado, Juan (jchapa@unav.es)
    Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Centers. School of Theology

  • Choperena Armendáriz, Ana(achoperena@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School de Enfermería

  • Clavero García, Sergio(sclavero@unav.es)
    teaching assistant PhD. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Clouet, María Eugenia(mclouetfox@alumni.unav.es)
    visiting professor. high school Core Curriculum .

  • Collado González, Santiago Pedro(scollado@unav.es)
    Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School Eclesiastica de Philosophy

  • Crespo Sesmero, Mariano Juan(mjcrespo@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Cruz Ortiz de Landázuri, Manuel María(mcruz@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Cruz Prados, Alfredo(acprados@unav.es)
    Professor and/or Titular. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • de Irala Estévez, Jokin ( jdeirala@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Medicine

  • by Navascués Martín, Javier(jnavascu@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Díaz de Terán Velasco, María Cruz(mdiazdet@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School de Derecho

  • Díaz Hernández, Onésimo(odiaz@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Díaz Herráez, Paula(pdherraez@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. School of Medicine

  • Doyle Sánchez, Daniel ( ddoyle@unav.es)
    teaching assistant Ph.D. School from Philosophy and Letters

  • Duro Rivas, Reyes(rduro@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Echarte Alonso, Luis Enrique(lecharte@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Medicine

  • Edo Lorrio, Pablo(pel@unav.es)
    Adjunct Professor . School of Theology

  • Escauriaza Escudero, Ana (anaescauriaza@unav.es)
    Professor partner. Josemaría Escrivá Center programs of study

  • Escobedo Romero, Rafael (rescrom@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Escrivá Ivars, Joaquín Javier (jescriva@unav.es)
    Visiting Professor . School de Education y Psicología

  • Fernández de Córdova Miralles, Álvaro ( afdecordova@unav.es)
    Ecclesiastical Centers Attaché. School of Theology

  • Fernández Gracia, Ricardo(rfgracia@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Fernández Urtasun, Rosa(rosafu@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Fernández Vallejo, Ana María(amf@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . ISSA-School of Applied Management

  • Fidalgo Alaiz, José Manuel (jmfidalgo@unav.es)
    Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Fuertes Zuñiga, Emilio (efuertes@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Gaitán Mantaras, Leandro (lgaitan@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School of Education and Psychology

  • Gallucci Natale, María José (mgallucci@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School from Philosophy and Letters

  • Garay, Juan Ignacio (jigaray@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. high school Core Curriculum

  • García Bourrellier, Carmen Rocío (rgarcia@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • García Pérez, Rafael Daniel(rgperez@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Law

  • García-Valdecasas Merino, Miguel(garciaval@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Giménez Amaya, José Manuel(jmgimenezamaya@unav.es)
    Full Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School Eclesiastica de Philosophy

  • Gómez Martín, Javier (jgmartin@external.unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant Doctor. School of Engineering

  • González González, Antonino José(antoninoglez@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Güell Pelayo, Francisco Juan(fguell@unav.es)
    Professor partner. Institute for Culture and Society

  • Guibert Elizalde, María(mguibert@alumni.unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant Doctor. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Guillon, Jean Baptiste François Marie (jguillon@unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant doctor. School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Herce Fernández, Rubén(rherce@unav.es)
    Associate Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School Eclesiastica de Philosophy

  • Hoipkemier, Mark Francis(mhoipkemier@unav.es)
    Visiting Professor. School from Philosophy and Letters

  • Insausti Herrero-Velarde, Gabriel(ginsausti@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Iriarte Franco, Jorge(jiriarte@unav.es)
    Extraordinary Professor . School of Theology

  • José Alviar, Joselito(jalviar@unav.es)
    Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Kolomy, Vojtech(vkolomy@unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant Doctor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Lizasoain Rumeu, Olga(olizas@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Education and Psychology

  • López del Burgo, Cristina(cldelburgo@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Medicine
  • López Goñi, Ignacio(ilgoni@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Medicine

  • López Guzmán, José (jlguzman@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Pharmacy and Nutrition

  • Lorda Iñarra, Juan Luis(jllorda@unav.es)
    Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Marín Porgueres, Francisco José(fjmarin@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Marti del Moral, Pablo(pmarti@unav.es)
    Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Martín Minguez, Juan Carlos(jcmartin@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Martínez Carrasco, Alejandro(amcarrasco@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Martínez Illán, Antonio(amartinez@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School de speech

  • Milburn, Joseph C.(jmilburn@unav.es)
    Visiting Professor . School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Montero Díaz, Mercedes(mmontero@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Communication

  • Montoya Camacho, Jorge Martín(jmontoya.1@unav.es)
    Associate Professor de Centros Eclesiásticos. School Eclesiástica de Philosophy

  • Moreno Almárcegui, Antonio José (anmoreno@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Economics and Business Administration.

  • Murillo Gómez, José Ignacio ( jimurillo@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School from Philosophy and Letters

  • Pardo Fernández, Alejandro (alexpardo@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Pavón Benito, Julia (jpavon@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Pereda Sancho, Rubén (ruben.pereda@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy

  • Pereira, José Luis (jlpereira@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Medicine

  • Pérez de Laborda Delclaux, Miguel María(perezlab@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Pérez López, Pablo (paperezlo@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Piñero Moral, Ricardo Isidro (rpmoral@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Economic and Business Sciences

  • Pozo Serrano, Juan Francisco(jfpozo@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Puig Baguer, Jordi (jpbaguer@unav.es)
    Associate Professor . School of Sciences

  • Rivas Borrell, Sonia Josefa(srivas@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Education and Psychology

  • Rouzaut Subirá, Miguel (mrouzaut@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. high school Core Curriculum

  • Ruiz Montoya, Carlos ( cruizm@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Saiz, Cerreda, María del Pilar(mpsaiz@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Salas Moreira, Ana Paula(asalasmo@unav.es)
    Professor partner professor . high school Core Curriculum

  • Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez, Álvaro(asostiz@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Scalzo, Germán (gscalzo@alumni.unav.es)
    Visiting Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Sellés Dauder, Juan Fernando(jfselles@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Silar, Mario ( msilar@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. School from Philosophy and Letters

  • Simón Yarza, Fernando(fsimon@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Law

  • Silvestre Valor, Juan José(jjsilvestrev@unav.es)
    Associate Professor. School of Theology

  • Solans Blasco, Miquel(msolans@unav.es)
    Professor teaching assistant doctor. School de Philosophy y Letras

  • Tejero Ariño, Juan(juantejero@external.unav.es)
    visiting professor. School of Theology

  • Terrasa Messuti, Eduardo(eterrasa@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Torralba López, José María(jmtorralba@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Torres Guerra, José Bernardino(jtorres@unav.es)
    Full Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Valdés Más, Manuel(mvaldesm@unav.es)
    Professor partner. high school Core Curriculum

  • Varo Pineda, Francisco(fvaro@unav.es)
    Full Professor of Ecclesiastical Centres. School of Theology

  • Zabalza Seguín, Ana(azabalza@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Philosophy and Letters

  • Zaldua Gómez, Luis Francisco(lzaldua@unav.es)
    Adjunct Professor . School of Engineering

  • Zambrano, María del Pilar(pzambrano@unav.es)
    Senior Associate Professor. School of Law

  • Zegers Correa, Mª José (mzegers@unav.es)
    Professor researcher. School of Architecture
