Semper Professor
training continuous program aimed at full professors and full professors, with extensive experience professor and research, from all Schools and centers of the University of Navarra.
Why take this Program?
It reinforces in the teachers some essential topics to carry out the mission statement of the University.
It addresses issues such as institutional culture, the intellectual and human training , the training professor and research, and the emotional well-being of the university professor.
It prepares mentors for new generations of university professors.
Prioritize colloquium among teachers.
The sessions will be held in small groups, with a participatory methodology in which the speakers will be the moderators of the conversation, one Tuesday a month from 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm. In addition, they will be complemented with recommended readings. The program has a duration of two years.
"The university, because of its research vocation and professor, should be a space for academic dialogue, for exchange between the sciences, for critical thinking, for the search for the deepest truths that lie at the root of the factual."
María Iraburu
Sense of one's own dedication to the University. Being a professor: rediscovering the academic vocation.
Human relations in the University and the training of future generations of professors.
The Christian inspiration of the University. Implications and horizon.
Attitudes for continuous growth: Openness and flexibility, continuous improvement.
Science and current ethical challenges.
Science and current anthropological issues.
Challenges of today's culture. Social commitment of the University.
Sustainability with background.
How is the student of today: keys to empathize and understand the student of our classrooms. Communication with student.
The integral training of student: theoretical and practical knowledge, intellectual and ethical habits (knowing, knowing how to do, being).
Experiences of good teaching practices.
The University in the media. Communicating the research.
management of projects. Experience with interdisciplinary research projects.
The research and its challenges. How to disseminate research and project it socially.
Leadership in the training of equipment from research.
Motivation staff, successes and failures.
work teamwork. Conflict resolution, assertiveness.
Session plan for the 1st edition of the SEMPER PROFESSOR program
1st OCTOBER session: Sense of one's own dedication to the University. Being a professor: a profession and an intellectual and formative task. Rediscovering the academic vocation. Conception of the teaching as a service and contribution to the student's development staff .
2nd session NOVEMBER: Attitudes for continuous growth: Openness and flexibility: to other ideas that are open to opinion, to changes, to learning. Enthusiasm for continuous improvement.
3rd session JANUARY: How is the student of today: keys to empathize and understand the student of our classrooms. Communication with student.
4thsession FEBRUARY: The University in the media. Communicating the research.
Session 5 MARCH 18: Science and ethics: artificial intelligence and human beings.
6th session APRIL 8: Challenges of today's culture. Weak thinking, individualism, pragmatism, emotivism, self-referential narcissism.
7th session MAY: Human relations in the University and the training of future generations of professors.
8th session OCTOBER: The research and its challenges. How to spread one's own research and project it socially. Leadership in the training of research teams.
9th session NOVEMBER: Science and anthropology: the sexual difference between male and female. Gender, transsexuality, etc. The treatment of sensitive issues in the classroom.
10th session JANUARY: The integral training of student: theoretical and practical knowledge, intellectual and ethical habits (to know, to know how to do, to be)
11th session FEBRUARY: Mentoring at the University: how to accompany a PhD student or young professor in his academic training and degree program .
12th session MARCH: The Christian inspiration of the University. Implications and horizon.
13th session APRIL: Social function of the University. Sensitivity to the needs, problems and shortcomings of society.
14th session MAY: Sustainability with background: awe, contemplation of nature, perception of beauty, responsibility towards the natural and social environment, etc.