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Content with Categories Global Affairs Articles .

El gas natural licuado cambia el juego en el hemisferio americano

U.S. LNG sales to its neighbors and exports from Latin American and Caribbean countries to Europe and Asia open new perspectives Not to depend on gas pipelines, but to be able to buy or sell... ReadmoreAboutLiquefied natural gas is a game changer in the American hemisphere "

Surinam sigue a Guyana en el ‘milagro’ petrolero

The finding of a "significant" amount of oil in off-shore wells places the former Dutch colony in the footsteps of neighboring Guyana. The intuition has proved to be right and the... ReadmoreAboutSuriname follows Guyana in the oil 'miracle' "

La minería ilegal, la otra destrucción de la Amazonía

Gold mining and oil transport pollute Amazonian rivers It is not only the fires that are negatively affecting the Amazon, which is undergoing an accelerated reduction of... ReadmoreAboutIllegal mining, the other destruction of the Amazon "

Centroamérica aprovecha sus volcanes para generación eléctrica

Geothermal energy already accounts for 7.5% of the Central American electricity mix, with installed capacity still far below the estimated potential. Volcanic activity and tectonic movement... ReadmoreAboutCentral America harnesses its volcanoes for power generation "

La nueva Guyana petrolera y su proyección internacional

One of the poorest countries in the Americas may become the world's largest oil producer per capita, disrupting the relationship with its neighbors. The promising oil discoveries... ReadmoreAboutThe new oil Guyana and its international projection "

Acuífero Guaraní: mejor que otros, pero pervivencia no asegurada

Geopolitical misgivings about perceived foreign interests should not distract beneficiary countries from implementing sustainable use. The Guarani Aquifer has given rise to a... ReadmoreAboutAquifer Guarani: better than others, but survival not assured "

El 'boom' de la quinoa

Global interest in this fashionable grain has brought additional income to Andean communities. The localization of quinoa production, especially in Peru and Bolivia (together they account for... ReadmoreAboutThe quinoa boom "

Impulso a la conexión gasística de los países de la Iniciativa de los Tres Mares

Poland-Germany struggle for influence in the European region between the Baltic, the Adriatic and the Black Sea The latest summit of the Three Seas Initiative (TMI) was attended by the... ReadmoreAboutBoosting the gas connection of the Three Seas Initiative countries "

'Guerras del agua' en Asia Central

Central Asian republics dispute scarce water resources in the Aral Sea Basin The lack of effective cooperation between the republics through which the two main water resources of the... Read moreAbout'Water Wars' in Central Asia "

The Nord Stream 2 divides the EU

The EU has backed down on the project, but Germany still gives support to the Russian initiative The project of a second set of gas pipelines through the Baltic Sea, in order to transport Russian... ReadmoreAboutThe Nord Stream 2 divides the EU "

Horizonte del consumo petrolero de América Latina

Domestic demand will increase, in contrast to more advanced regions In the coming decades, oil consumption in Latin America will continue to grow, in contrast to a trend towards... Read moreAboutLatin America's oil consumption horizon "

La batería del planeta: el litio de los salares andinos

Nearly two-thirds of the world's identified lithium reserves are located in Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. The explosion of electric vehicles using lithium-ion batteries has led to the... ReadmoreAboutThe planet's battery: lithium from the Andean salt flats "

China como potencia de recursos minerales

It generates many of the raw materials needed for global technology production. China not only has significant reserves of mineral resources, but also leads the world in the production... ReadmoreAbout China as a mineral resource powerhouse "

Pulso entre EE.UU. y Venezuela por el suministro de energía al Caribe

Washington's Antillean energy diversification initiative moves forward In view of the success of Venezuela's oil diplomacy in the Caribbean countries (the islands account for 13 of the 35... Read moreAboutU.S.-Venezuela energy supply pulse in the Caribbean "

La soja, la otra materia prima estratégica de Sudamérica

The constant expansion of the crop in Mercosur countries has led them to exceed 50% of world production. Soybean is the agricultural product with the highest commercial growth in the world. The... Read moreAboutSoybean, the other strategic raw subject of South America "

El 'patrón oro': cómo los minerales marcan el PIB latinoamericano

The cycles of the Latin American Economics are closely linked to mineral prices: the graphs are astounding. The public's attention on commodity prices is focused on the... Read moreAbout'patron saint gold': how minerals drive Latin American GDP "