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International Relations for the Common Good

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Committed to the future of International Office, the group International Relations for the Common Good (IR4CG) offers a space for colloquium and discussion in a university environment. The group presents an enthusiastic proposal of authentic dialogue to venture into the political, economic and moral thinking behind the most current and topical global profile issues, on the basis of rigorous information. IR4CG aims to motivate conversations on topics of international and especially European interest in a cordial and relaxed atmosphere, and thus encourage training and the expression of one's own morally justified opinion. The mission statement of group goes far beyond the dissemination of information. IR4CG aims to create a space for the creation of knowledge and the construction of culture together, through the free, orderly and respectful exchange of views and perspectives. The other hallmarks of group are derived from this horizontality: accessibility, proximity and openness.

At IR4CG, we believe passionately in humanity as a global community and in each person in that global community reaching "the development expeditious and plenary session of the Executive Council of his or her own perfection"(Mater et Magistra, [65]). Thus, through our study of International Office, we aim to critically understand the "set of social conditions" that enable this development.

Precisely because of these identifying features, IR4CG calls on the university community as a whole, especially those with an interest in learning more about the world and the circumstances surrounding them at the European community level and, above all, with a willingness to participate and actively learn from others.

The goal, quite simply, is none other than promote critical and transcendental thinking on the problems of globalisation and the discernment of the common good on the internship of the International Office.

IR4CG is part of the University's Center for Global Affairs and Strategic Studies.

Professor Gonzalo Villalta Puig
Full Professor of International Public Law
department of Private, International and International Law business
School of Law
University of Navarra