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By blocking some candidates, the European Parliament seeks the prominence denied by the failure of the proclamation of the Spitzenkandidat

Ursula von der Leyen, at the plenary session of the European Parliament in which she defended her candidacy [European Commission]

▲ Ursula von der Leyen, at the plenary session of the European Parliament in which she defended her candidacy [European Commission]

ANALYSIS / Jokin de Carlos

In 1963, the Elysée Treaty was signed between President Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, ending centuries of Franco-German rivalry and beginning the friendship between the two countries. Over the next few decades, France and Germany, as the leading economies of the Union, would largely mark the diary political and economic. Even in times of crisis, both leading countries avoided giving an image of confrontation.

However, after the European elections last May, there was a public tussle between Berlin and Paris over who should replace Jean-Claude Juncker as head of the European Commission. On the one hand, led by Angela Merkel, there were those leaders who defended the nomination of the Bavarian Manfred Weber, Spitzenkandidat of the European People's Party, made up of conservative formations; on the other hand, led by Emmanuel Macron, there were those who, of liberal or social democratic tendencies, opposed this nomination in preference to the Dutchman Frans Timmermans or the Danish Margrathe Vestager.

After weeks of negotiation and diplomatic tension, Weber's candidacy was withdrawn, in part because of Merkel's political weakness in Germany and the momentary defenestration of Sebastian Kurz in Austria due to Ibizagate. But the position it was not for Vestager or Timmermans but for Ursula von der Leyen, Germany's defense minister and Merkel's Christian Democrat colleague, originally from Hanover and from an aristocratic family. 

And so ends the summer of our discontent, with this Hanoverian sun.


One of the main problems facing the new president of the Commission is going to be how to achieve consensus among the leaders in the committee and between parties in Parliament.

Von der Leyen was unanimously elected in the committee, however, his election to the European Parliament was the closest in history, with only nine votes above the required majority. This vote had several surprises, such as the favorable vote of the Italian 5-Star Movement or the Polish PiS and the rejection of the SPD or the totality of the Greens.

Composition of the Commission

On 9 September, von der Leyen announced her nominees for the new Commission, which is made up of 28 members in the 28 member countries, although the United Kingdom Withdrawal to have a site for its scheduled departure from the Union on October 31.

The von der Leyen Commission has been organised in the form of pillars, each led by a Vice-President and composed of one or more Commissioners with specific portfolios. There are five pillars: (a) agreement European Green, which will cover topics such as energy, transport and agriculture; (b) a Europe ready for the digital age, for issues such as innovation and skill; (c) protecting our European way of life, which will encompass the areas of immigration and security; (d) one Economics to work for the people, destined for commerce, work and finance, and (e) a strong Europe in the world, which will include issues such as international relations or crisis management.

For the composition of this Commission, von der Leyen has tried to integrate two of the Spitzenkandidat who were discarded for the presidency. Socialist Frans Timmermans, a former Dutch deputy prime minister, will remain as vice-president and lead the pillar of the agreement the European Greens, while the liberal Margrethe Vestager, former Danish Deputy Prime Minister, having been Commissioner for skill in the previous Commission, he will lead the pillar of A Europe Ready for the Digital Age. These are two of the most popular Commissioners in the Juncker Commission; in the case of Vestager for her fight against tax evasion by several large American technology companies, such as Google, Amazon or Apple.

Of the rest of the vice-presidents, three will head the other three pillars: the new High Representative of the Union Josep Borrell, former Spanish minister in several portfolios and former president of the European Parliament, will lead A Strong Europe in the World; Christian Democrat and former Latvian premier Valdis Dombrovskis will lead the economic pillar, and Greek conservative Margaritis Schinas will lead the pillar of protecting the European way of life.

Three other vice-presidencies, with smaller areas, will go to the Czech Republic's Verá Jorubá (Values and Transparency), Slovakia's Maroš Šefčovič (Interinstitutional Relations) and Croatia's Dubravka Šuica (Democracy and Demography).

Among the nominees for commissioners are prestigious people who have held important positions in their respective countries, as well as in previous European commissions: Paolo Gentiloni, former Italian premier, will be commissioner of Economics, and Didier Reynders, former Minister of Defence, Finance and Foreign Affairs in Belgium, will be in charge of Justice.


There are two characteristics that can be highlighted about this Commission proposal: (1) The first is its more political character and (2) the second is a marked Francophilia. 

(1) On previous occasions the commissioners used to show a profile and in many cases a preference for staying in the shadows. In a way, they could have been considered the secretariat of the committee European. However, the selection made by Von der Leyen seems to want to put an end to this tradition, by opting for more well-known names. Thus, Gentiloni or Dombrovskis have previously governed their countries, while others such as Vestager, Timmermans or Reynders have had a certain previous prominence. It seems that the interest of EU politicians is no longer so much to create the European Federation as soon as possible as to bring Brussels closer to the people. Whether this strategy works or not, time will tell.

(2) The second characteristic of this new Commission is a clear pro-French direction, to the satisfaction of Emmanuel Macron. Many of the members of the Commission are political allies of the French President; the clearest is the case of Ursula von der Leyen herself, despite having been part of Merkel's cabinet and being a co-religionist of hers. It should be remembered that it was Macron who proposed it for the position after the veto of Weber, who was the candidate Merkel's initial. But that's not all. Both Timmermans and Vestager are political allies of Macron (Vestager had been his first choice to chair the Commission). Josep Borrell is also a well-known Francophile, and Didier Reynerds is a French-speaking Belgian whose party is allied with Macron's, as is the Italian commissioner Paolo Gentiloni. So this is a mostly Francophile Commission, which could increase Macron's weight on the Union and advance his vision of Europe.

Outside the Commission, the other officials nominated by the committee They were Christine Lagarde, a former French finance minister, who has stepped down from leading the IMF to head the European Central Bank, and Charles Michell, the French-speaking prime minister of Belgium and Macron's liberal colleague, the new president of the European Central Bank. committee European.

These nominations have also sought to meet a series of objectives:

i) The first and clearest is that the aim is to put an end to the possible alienation of the countries of Central and Southern Europe. Out of eight vice-presidents, four are from Central Europe, in charge of such important areas as the economic pillar or justice issues; two others are from the South, with responsibility for immigration and foreign policy issues.

ii) An attempt has also been made to reach out to groups that may have doubts about von der Leyen or directly voted against her in the parliamentary session. Looking at the greens, the portfolio agreement European Green aims to reduce carbon emissions by 55% from their 1990 levels by 2030 and make Europe the first zero-carbon continent by 2050. The pillar on immigration, called Protecting our European way of life, seems to want to augur a stricter immigration policy with the aim of promoting a more sustainable immigration policy. goal to maintain the support of Poland's PiS and Hungary's Fidesz.

iii) Briefly, it should also be mentioned that the nomination of Gentiloni to the economic portfolio seems to be a way of rewarding Italy for the training of a pro-Brussels government. While the nomination of a left-wing Italian to Economics It seems that the nomination of Austrian conservative Johannes Hahn to the Budget Committee has been made to balance that of Gentiloni.

Challenges and potential complications

The four main challenges facing this new Commission seem to be ecology, Economics, immigration and the construction of a common foreign policy.

As has been said before, the nomination of Borrell and other commissioners may lead to a foreign policy that follows French lines, which at times can lead to conflicts with Poland, the Baltic States or even Germany if tensions between France and the United States lead Washington to question its commitments to NATO and Russia.

Immigration looks set to remain a major issue for the Commission, although not as much as in recent years, largely because the issue The number of people arriving in Europe has dropped drastically. From more than one million in 2015 to less than 150,000 in 2018. Everything seems to indicate that the line on illegal immigration is going to be tougher than in previous years, although an attempt will be made to avoid populist rhetoric. However, the very name of the portfolio, Protecting our European Way of Life, has already come under fire from certain political sectors and civil society in Western Europe.

The Economics will be another element core topic. With a Brexit that could damage the Economics or cause a slowdown.

Another major problem is going to be related to Timmermans and his position. As the head of the pillar agreement The Dutch will be in charge of dealing with countries to reduce their carbon emissions. The countries of Central Europe, especially Poland, are still very dependent on the coal sector, which employs a significant portion of the workforce. Timmermans showed some clumsiness when it came to dealing with Poland and Hungary on justice issues as Juncker's vice-president, so it remains to be seen how he deals with the energy issue.

In relation to the nominations, there has been concern about Parliament's blocking of the commissioners from Romania, Hungary and France, who were rejected for various reasons. In the case of the Hungarian nominee, the veto was attributed to his relationship with a law firm, and in the case of the French nominee, to his relationship with an American think tank . However, the general analysis seems to indicate that these rejections, especially in the case of the French nominee, appear to be a reprisal by Parliament for having been section in the decision on the presidency of the Commission – since the proclamation of the Spitzenkandidat with the most votes was disregarded – by the committee European, especially Emmanuel Macron. The Fall of the Romanian Government and the Establishment of a Government provisional until the 2020 legislative elections may delay the training of the Commission. According to High Representative Josep Borrell, it is to be expected that the training of the von der Leyen Commission is delayed until 1 December.


To say that the von der Leyen Commission is going to be continuist, as many claim, would be partially incorrect. Although the ideology seems to be the same, the objectives set are very different and much more political. It seems that some of the mistakes made by the Juncker Commission want to be solved and it is trying to respond to some of the demands that citizens make to Brussels, on issues such as environmental care, economic improvement, the correct integration of Central Europe, border control, the development of the environment, and the development of the European Union. development of a common international policy and the rapprochement of Brussels with the Europeans.

Whether this will be a failure or a victory, on verra.

Categories Global Affairs: European Union World order, diplomacy and governance Analysis