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Aplicaciones anidadas


profile for access

For the selection of students, the CV of candidate will be taken into account, in which the training received to date will be valued:

  1. Statistics.

  2. Programming, especially in R and Python or similar environments.

  3. instructions of data.

  4. Mathematical Optimisation and Operations Research.

  5. Professional experience of candidate on these issues.

The profiles that enter come from different universities, countries of origin and educational backgrounds, enriching the student's experience. 

Predominantly Engineering of all subject, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Economics o Administratoration of Companies.

Contacto delegado admisión MBDS (José María González Gullón)


José María González Gullón

Executive Director & Admissions Manager

José María González Gullón

Campus Madrid Calle Marquesado de Sta. Marta, 3

28022 Madrid, Spain

+34 914 514 341 (Ex.850031)


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Información Económica

Economic Information

The price of the enrollment for the 2024-2025 academic year is 18,500 euros.


Grants, discounts and bonuses:


  • Personalized price: up to 25% of scholarship for the best academic records and according to the family income level (economic bag until available funds are exhausted).

  • Early payment discount: 5% for full payment of the outstanding amount of the enrollment until February 29, 2024 (compatible with other scholarships and discounts).

  • large family: (8-16%)

  • UNAV Alumni: 12%.

  • scholarship Santander: dates to be specified call 23-24

  • As it is an official Master's Degree , it is eligible for scholarships from national and international organizations.

  • Possibility of financing for international students: deferred payment in 4 installments without interest or commissions


* To be able to apply for any scholarship, it is a requirement fill in the application of Admissions Office and to be admitted by the committee Academic

Becas y Ayudas

Scholarships and Grants

Becas y Ayudas

  • Nationality: Spanish, European and Latin American
  • subject: scholarship
  • discount: 20%. 
  • Nationality: Spanish
  • subject: scholarship
  • discount: different types according to income thresholds
  • Nationality: Spanish, European and Latin American
  • subject: scholarship
  • discount: 100% OF THE TIME 
  • Nationality: registered in Navarre
  • subject: scholarship
  • discount: different types according to income thresholds
  • Nationality: registered in the Basque Country
  • subject: scholarship
  • discount: different types according to income thresholds


Gondra Barandiarán Foundation

  • Aimed at: those who have studied engineering in the Basque Country programs of study
  • subject: scholarship

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your dreamed work

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All scholarships and grants for your studies

More information

Becas Internacionales


  • Nationality: Mexican
  • subject: credit /scholarship
  • discount: 100%: 10% discount UNAV
  • Nationality: Honduran
  • subject: credit /scholarship
  • discount: 100%: 10% discount UNAV + 90%. credit
  • Nationality: Guatemalan
  • subject: credit /scholarship
  • discount: 100%: 10% discount UNAV + 90%. credit
  • Nationality: Colombian
  • subject: credit /scholarship
  • discount: 100%: 35% discount UNAV + 65%. credit
  • Nationality: Panamanian
  • subject: scholarship full or partial
  • discount: 100%: 10% discount UNAV
  • Nationality: Chilean
  • subject: scholarship complete 
  • discount: 100%: 10% discount UNAV
  • Nationality: Peruvian
  • subject: credit /scholarship
  • discount: 100%: 15% discount UNAV + 85% credit /scholarship

Admisión 2


For apply for admission, it is necessary to register at portal MiUnav and upload the required documentation:

CV/Resume. Document that includes in a maximum of 2 pages the academic and professional experience of the applicant. candidate

2. transcript Academic/ Transcripts (certificate academic qualifications) of the degree of Degree

3. Payment of 100€ in concept of fees de Admissions Office

The Service of Admissions Office of the University communicates the resolution of the application of Admissions Office, once it is evaluated by the committee Academic Master's Degree Official in Big Data Science

If the candidate is admitted, it will have to make its pre-registration in the Master's Degree (reservation of place) in the deadline established by the payment of a deposit of 3.000€, amount that is discounted from the total price of the course. enrollment

The payment of the pre-registration is non-refundable and is formalized following the instructions of Portal miUNAV.

Eligibility criteria

Given the limited number of places available, the selection process will be based largely on the evaluation of the candidates' CV/ Resume, the transcript Academic/Transcripts, and motivations for pursuing the Master's degree and specialising in this field. A personal interview may also be required. 

In this way, the training received so far in statistics and instructions data; programming(Python, R or similar environments) or the professional experience of candidate in this field will be valued.

 requirements Technical / Software 

Each student should go to attend at class with their own laptop or laptop computer. The recommended requirements are:

1.- Equipment with Intel Core I7 processor or higher.

2.- report RAM of 32 GB (minimum 16 GB)

3.- Nvidia GPU

4.- Configured with SSD disk/s for storage of virtual machines

5.- Windows 11 Operating System

6.- BIOS: Virtualization Enabled

7.- Local Administrator Permissions

8.- Any of the following browsers installed locally: Google Chrome, Firefox, Windows Explorer

9.- Minimum 50 GB of local storage available

10.- In some subjects we will install Virtual Box as a platform for importing virtual machines