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What will you learn?

The student learns to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the degree program to real cases in which the intervention of a lawyer is required, either to avoid situations of injury, risk or conflict, or to resolve problems out of court or, where appropriate, in court.

The programme begins with teaching on deontological rights and duties, as well as other rules of the profession. Amongst other subjects, professional secrecy, confidentiality, independence of judgement, conflicts of interest, attendance free legal advice and the social responsibility of the lawyer are taught.

It continues with training in techniques and skills for the resolution of public and private conflicts, both in and out of court. In this block, as an introduction, skills and tools for the composition of interests, negotiation, the development of defence strategies and forensic internship are taught. Once these have been seen, the student is confronted with litigation cases in the subjects called Praxis.

Learning is complemented by other subjects of an instrumental nature, which are also necessary for the optimal exercise of the profession. purpose On the one hand, in the subjects Soft Skills and Applied Rhetoric, student learns the skills of speech, as well as the use of information sources, computer programmes management of knowledge and invoicing; all with the aim of improving performance and efficiency at work. On the other hand, they study Accounting and Financial Management, which are taught throughout the course. The student also attends legal English classes in order to obtain the International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) issued by the University of Cambridge.

At the end of the academic period, student is able to work in a real professional environment and carry out integrated analyses of multidisciplinary legal problems, as well as drafting contracts, opinions and reports. This is the time when internships are carried out in leading national and international law firms, consultancy firms or companies.

During the internship, the student is confronted with the completion of the end-of-degree work Master's Degree . This challenge involves the resolution of a final case that requires the combination of all the knowledge and skills acquired during the programme.

You will be able to work in...

Companies (employees)

I work in law firms, in legal consultancies of large companies, specialised marketing, Departments of human resources, employee of banking, employee of legal consultancies, consultancies, employee of trade unions, employee of NGOs, vacancies in International Organisations and Agencies, etc.

Employers particularly value the training received by our students because, from the very first moment, they are able to carry out their work with solvency and efficiency. For this reason, top national and international firms carry out selection processes for our students every year.

And also...

You will attend an International Legal Week at IESE Business School in New York. The course programme goal aims to provide you with advanced knowledge on dispute resolution and management of international law firms, taking the American market as reference letter .