What subjects will you study?
The Master's Degree in Law at business consists of 60 ECTS credit divided into 4 modules, lasts one year and is face-to-face.
Master's Degree in business
Module I is called "The advisor of companies" (27 ECTS credit), it is divided into two subjects; "Strategy and configuration of legal relations in the business" (18.5 ECTS credit) and "Complementary areas of business consultancy" (8.5 ECTS credit). Both subjects deal with advanced issues in which the knowledge acquired in the course of Degree or licentiate degree in Law is taken for granted.
The first subject is designed to provide students with knowledge of the legal aspects of advisory service of companies from the perspectives of commercial contracts, the creation, merger and extinction of companies. The module is taught in both Spanish and English.
The goal of the second subject is to provide students with advanced knowledge in economic-financial matters, the handling of basic concepts of legal English, as well as the rules of conduct that govern the profession and the deontological duties of the legal advisor in order to offer a complete service to their clients. In other words, these are the non-legal contents of the programme that cannot be ignored in order to understand the context in which the advisory service of companies is developed. The module is available in both Spanish and English.
Company law. 6 ECTS credit
Promotion, collaboration and exchange contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Commercial distribution contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Contracts of carriage. 1 ECTS credit
Banking contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Financing and guarantee contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Insurance contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Public sector contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Credit protection. 1 ECTS credit
Contractual and non-contractual liability. 1,5 ECTS credit
Liability of the Public Administration. 1 ECTS credit
Dispute resolution. 2 ECTS credit (validated by Praxis Mercantil of the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession).
Ethics. 0.5 ECTS credit
Accounting. 3 ECTS credit
Financial management. 4 ECTS credit
International legal English. 1 ECTS credit
module II is entitled "Law of business" (21 ECTS credit) and consists of three subjects: "Civil Law" (3 ECTS credit), "Commercial Law" (9 ECTS credit) and "Public Law" (9 ECTS credit). Like module I, all the contents are advanced in nature and involve a higher Degree of specialization than degree program. training The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the issues concerning the legal aid of companies from different perspectives, whether in the field of private law, public law or other actions to be undertaken. The module is taught in both Spanish and in English (those subjects marked with an *).
Consumer protection. 1 ECTS credit
Real Estate Law. 0.5 ECTS credit
Notaries and registers. 0.5 ECTS credit
Conflict of laws and international contracts*. 1 ECTS credit
Intellectual property and skill unfair. 1,5 ECTS credit
Competition Law*. 2 ECTS credit
Securities Markets*. 1,5 ECTS credit
Mergers and Acquisitions*. 1,5 ECTS credit
business family. 1 ECTS credit
Securities. 0.5 ECTS credit
Risk capital. 0.5 ECTS credit
Information society and e-commerce. 0.5 ECTS credit
Industrial relations. 1 ECTS credit
Social Security Scheme. 1 ECTS credit
IRPF. 2 ECTS credit
IS. 1 ECTS credit
VAT. 1 ECTS credit
Economic crime. 1,5 ECTS credit
Regulated sectors (Energy, IT, Infrastructures*, Banking & Finance). 1,5 ECTS credit
Module III, External Internships (6 ECTS credit), is aimed at giving student first-hand experience of professional practice, putting into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the programme.
Character: compulsory.
Duration and temporal location: quarter 4.
Internships. 6 ECTS credit
Finally, in module IV, Final Master's Thesis (6 ECTS credit), students must solve a case that integrates the main subjects and competences developed in modules I, II and III. The student will have to submit a written report and defend it orally before a Tribunal.
Master's Thesis. 6 ECTS credit
International Legal Week in New York.
This is an intensive week at IESE Business School New York on international arbitration, law firm organisation and American economics.
Master's Degree in Law from business + Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession and Public Prosecutor's Office
Module I: The advisor of companies -27 ECTS credit-.
Module I is called "The advisor of companies" (27 ECTS credit), it is divided into two subjects; "Strategy and configuration of legal relations in the business" (18.5 ECTS credit) and "Complementary areas of business consultancy" (8.5 ECTS credit). Both subjects deal with advanced issues in which the knowledge acquired in the course of Degree or licentiate degree in Law is taken for granted.
The first subject is designed to provide students with knowledge of the legal aspects of advisory service of companies from the perspectives of commercial contracts, the creation, merger and extinction of companies. The module is taught in both Spanish and English.
The goal of the second subject is to provide students with advanced knowledge in economic-financial matters, the handling of basic concepts of legal English, as well as the rules of conduct that govern the profession and the deontological duties of the legal advisor in order to offer a complete service to their clients. In other words, these are the non-legal contents of the programme that cannot be ignored in order to understand the context in which the advisory service of companies is developed. The module is available in both Spanish and English.
Company law. 6 ECTS credit
Promotion, collaboration and exchange contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Commercial distribution contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Contracts of carriage. 1 ECTS credit
Banking contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Financing and guarantee contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Insurance contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Public sector contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Credit protection. 1 ECTS credit
Contractual and non-contractual liability. 1,5 ECTS credit
Liability of the Public Administration. 1 ECTS credit
The rest of the credits correspond to subjects of the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession:
Dispute resolution. 2 ECTS credit (validated by Praxis Mercantil of the Master's Degree in Access to the Legal Profession).
Ethics. 0.5 ECTS credit
Accounting. 3 ECTS credit
Financial management. 4 ECTS credit
International legal English. 1 ECTS credit
Module II: Law of business -21 ECTS credit-.
module II is entitled "Law of business" (21 ECTS credit) and consists of three subjects: "Civil Law" (3 ECTS credit), "Commercial Law" (9 ECTS credit) and "Public Law" (9 ECTS credit). Like module I, all the contents are advanced in nature and involve a higher Degree of specialization than degree program. training The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the issues concerning the legal aid of companies from different perspectives, whether in the field of private law, public law or other actions to be undertaken. The module is taught in both Spanish and in English (those subjects marked with an *).
Consumer protection. 1 ECTS credit
Real Estate Law. 0.5 ECTS credit
Notaries and registers. 0.5 ECTS credit
Conflict of laws and international contracts*. 1 ECTS credit
Intellectual property and skill unfair. 1,5 ECTS credit
Competition Law*. 2 ECTS credit
Securities Markets*. 1,5 ECTS credit
Mergers and Acquisitions*. 1,5 ECTS credit
business family. 1 ECTS credit
Securities. 0.5 ECTS credit
Risk capital. 0.5 ECTS credit
Information society and e-commerce. 0.5 ECTS credit
Industrial relations. 1 ECTS credit
Social Security Scheme. 1 ECTS credit
IRPF. 2 ECTS credit
IS. 1 ECTS credit
VAT. 1 ECTS credit
Economic crime. 1,5 ECTS credit
Regulated sectors (Energy, IT, Infrastructures*, Banking & Finance). 1,5 ECTS credit
Module III: External internships -6 ECTS credit-.
Module III, External Internships (6 ECTS credit), is aimed at giving student first-hand experience of professional practice, putting into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the programme.
Internships. 6 ECTS credit
Module IV: Master's Thesis -6 ECTS credit-
Master's Thesis. 6 ECTS credit
module I: The figure of the lawyer (19 ECTS credit)
subject I.I: framework Legal and deontological (4 ECTS credit)
In this subject, students will be trained in the professional deontological rights and duties related to the profession of lawyer and attorney, in their relationship with clients and the other agents involved in the professional relationship of the practitioner, as well as giving them the ability to identify situations of conflicts of interest and the various responsibilities related to the exercise of professional activity.
Deontology and the profession of lawyer and attorney. 4 ECTS credit
subject I.II: Instruments and action techniques (15 ECTS credit)
This subject is designed to train in the application of procedures for determining, billing and collecting fees; to learn about the organizational environment as well as to develop skills and abilities for the choice of strategies in the defense of clients' interests; to handle the different techniques for the composition of interests and to know how to find solutions to problems; to develop oral expression, work in a team and those skills that lead to greater efficiency in its work.
Accounting. 3 ECTS credit
Financial management. 4 ECTS credit
International Legal English. 2 ECTS credit
Business Development. 2 ECTS credit
management of law firms. 2 ECTS credit
Negotiation and applied rhetoric. 1 2 ECTS credit
module II: Performance of the Lawyer -35 ECTS credit*-.
This module provides students with the ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired during the Degree in Law to the changing reality and multidisciplinary of the practice of the profession in a internship and multidisciplinary manner. They will know the strategy of the different areas of professional internship in the framework of the different systems of jurisdictional protection and the methods of alternative dispute resolution to the jurisdictional route. The module III incorporates the Clinicum methodology, which consists of learning based on the resolution of problems in which the student has a high academic load since it solves them in a team gathered in class with a tutor that guide and guides them to propose a solution. It is not enough just to reach a legal conclusion, but the student has to use the tools acquired in the program up to that moment and apply elements of management since the team acts in the same way as a law firm would.
In this way, the three subjects address the three facets of the lawyer. Firstly, as advisor (both designing legal solutions to operations or problems and as a strategy to prevent conflicts before they occur), as a litigator and, finally, as a mediator.
subject II.I. "Material areas of defense" (16 ECTS credit) *16 ECTS credit from Master's Degree of specialization are validated.
Subjects that can be validated in the specialization program Law section of business:
Company law. 6 ECTS credit
business family. 1 ECTS credit
Consumer protection. 1 ECTS credit
Contractual and non-contractual liability. 1,5 ECTS credit
Public sector contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Liability of the Public Administration. 1 ECTS credit
Promotion, collaboration and exchange contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Commercial distribution contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Banking contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Financing and guarantee contracts. 1 ECTS credit
Securities. 0.5 ECTS credit
subject II.II; "Systems of Jurisdictional Protection" (17 ECTS credit)
internship forensics and litigation. 2 ECTS credit
Civil Praxis. 3 ECTS credit
Commercial practice. 2 ECTS credit
Criminal Praxis. 3 ECTS credit
Tax practice. 2 ECTS credit
Litigation practicemanagement assistant. 3 ECTS credit
Labour practice. 2 ECTS credit
subject II.III: "Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems" (2 ECTS credit).
Arbitration practice. 2 ECTS credit
module III: Internship (30 ECTS credit)
The module III, External Practices, (30 ECTS credit) is aimed at giving student first-hand knowledge of professional practice. Internships may be carried out in courts or tribunals, public prosecutors' offices, law firms or professional law firms, Departments legal or human resources offices of public administrations, official institutions or companies.
External internships. 30 ECTS credit
module IV: work de Fin de Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit)
Finally, in the module IV, work end of Master's Degree (6 ECTS credit) the students will have to solve a case in which all the subjects and competences developed in the face-to-face module are put in internship . The student must submit a written report and defend it orally before a Court.
Master's Thesis. 6 ECTS credit
The programme uses the case method as a system of teaching, which consists of solving real problems involving thorough analysis of the facts and proposal of solutions and alternatives. To get the most out of it, student is required to prepare each case individually and then discuss it in a team before attend at discussion on class directed by the teacher. It is a process that enriches learning due to the contributions of the other class colleagues and the solution proposed by the teacher.
In addition to this, the following learning methodologies are also used:
Lectures by the lecturer in which the fundamental points of subject are set out in order to prepare the student for practical subjects student . The blackboard, computer, projections, etc. will be used for this purpose. It is advisable for students to go to class having prepared the corresponding Materials , which will be available beforehand.
Discussion of problems posed by the teacher and their public discussion. Previous personal work and the organisation of the discussion in working groups are required.
Case discussion. Through the analysis of real cases, students and faculty engage in a process of in-depth discussion about the circumstances faced by a corporate legal advisory service professional.
Simulation of professional situations. The starting point is a scenario similar to those faced in the practice of the legal profession advisor so that the student, personally and by group, adopts different roles and acquires the work habits that characterise the profession.
Direction of the Master's thesis.
Tutoring. Sessions with the lecturer and/or with the tutor internship.
Preparation of reports, briefs, opinions and the like.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment