The Master's Degreein designand managementEnvironmental Management of Buildings (MDGAE), with a duration of 12 months, consists of 60 ECTS credit. The Study programis made up of four modules, three of which - the Sustainabledesign, Internship and workEnd of Master's Degree- are compulsory. In addition, a fourth module moduleis optional, which will allow you to choose between an intensification in Advanced Sustainabledesign or in management of Companies.
In the moduleof designAdvanced Sustainable , the aspects related to the designand the sustainable quantification of buildings are studied in depth, preparing the studentto face advanced simulation, monitoring and testing of buildings, new materials and construction systems, new sustainable certification systems.
The moduleof managementof companies, which will intensify the trainingin managementof companies, directing the studentin the acquisition of knowledge oriented to the professional activity, from general questions of businessand project management, business analysis, accounting, finance, models and systems of managementof Personnel Management Service... to the ethical reflections of its activity.
It consists of 30 ECTS credit, is compulsory and is made up of six subjects:
Principles of Sustainability (3 ECTS credit)
The subject Principles of Sustainability introduces students to the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability in order to reduce the negative impacts on the planet and mankind. Students are also introduced to the concepts of sustainable and regenerative architecture, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Through built examples, student learns about the different environmental aspects involved in the phases of the building process.
subjectSustainability principles
Energy management. Passive measures (7.5 ECTS credit)
This subject aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools necessary for the analysis and quantification of the behaviour of the building and its thermal envelope in winter and summer conditions, both in new construction and in the refurbishment of existing buildings, in order to meet current requirements for limiting energy demand.
To this end, student studies the physical principles of heat transfer in enclosures, the indoor environmental conditions of buildings related to the comfort and health of users, climatic variables and the influence of the environment on the design of the building.
subject: management of energy. Passive measures
Energy and water management. Active measures (7,5 ECTS credit)
subject which consists of the study and application of building installations, assessing at all times energy efficiency, performance and consumption reduction parameters, as well as the integration of energies, which enable the design of nearly zero consumption buildings.
The student studies the energy, economic and technological characteristics for the most appropriate choice of energy production sources, and their accumulation, distribution and emission.
It also analyses the possibilities of regulating and integrating the various types of installations in buildings in order to reduce the energy consumption necessary for their operation.
subject: management of energy and water. Active measures
Materials and waste management (6 ECTS credit)
The aim is to provide information on the most relevant aspects of the management of Materials and waste, as well as the tools necessary to reduce the associated environmental impacts in the construction of buildings.
student is introduced to the concepts of circular architecture, carbon footprint, environmental footprint, ecological footprint.
The student applies the Life Cycle Assessment method for the selection of Materials and building construction products to reduce the most significant environmental impacts of building construction.
The knowledge of the types of waste and the techniques for reuse, recovery and disposal of construction and demolition waste will make it possible to reduce the environmental impact associated with soil contamination and landscape deterioration.
The knowledge and evaluation of sustainable, innovative and healthy Materials contributes to improving the environment and the health of building users.
subjectmanagement of materials and waste
Environmental certification (3 ECTS credit)
knowledge is provided on the different environmental certification systems for buildings that allow their environmental performance to be assessed in relation to different aspects (energy, Materials, water, land use, transport, indoor air quality...) with the aim of reducing the impact they have on the environment. goal .
subjectEnvironmental certification
Management of other environmental aspects (3 ECTS credit)
It provides information on those environmental aspects not included in the previous subjects, which are considered necessary for the sustainability of buildings, as well as on construction systems that improve their environmental performance.
This subject may be taken at one of the foreign universities with which there is a signed agreement.
Business management (14 ECTS credit)
This subject offers the student knowledge to direct and manage projects and companies in the building sector. With this training, they should be able to understand the impact of managerial, commercial, productive and organisational decisions on the resources, profits, liquidity and value creation of business and be able to adequately analyse new investment projects.
It also provides student with the necessary knowledge to develop their professional activity in collaboration with other people and teams, leading processes and negotiating with the different agents in the building sector. The concepts of quality, marketing, entrepreneurship and innovation applied to business also form part of this subject. The ethical repercussions of decisions inherent to companies, projects and plans, services and people are also dealt with.
- Management of projects, works and services
- Strategy
- Finance
designAdvanced Sustainable (14 ECTS credit)
In this subjectstudents learn advanced computational simulation techniques for the environmental designof buildings, as well as monitoring and testing systems in real buildings in order to validate the previously calculated environmental performance. The concept of regenerative architecture is presented for the designof buildings with the aim of goal, not only to avoid negative impacts, but also to produce a real positive impact, through passive, active and circular architecture design. In addition, aspects related to new materials, construction systems and techniques, as well as new systems of social and economic environmental certification are discussed in depth.
It consists of 6 ECTS credit, it is compulsory.
Compulsory external internships that student will carry out in companies in the building sector and which will be related to the concepts studied in the rest of the modules. The goal is that the student enters contact with the business dynamics integrating the knowledge and skills acquired. The internships will be organised in accordance with Royal Decree 592/2014 regulating external internships for university students and will be monitored and assessed by a tutor of the business and an academic tutor of the university.
It consists of 10 ECTS credit and is compulsory.
The Master's Final Project is carried out in a business in the building sector in which environmental criteria are applied in their normal work. In this way, the student applies the environmental knowledge acquired in the Master's modules to a specific case developed in the business, integrating the skills and competences acquired.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment