The Study program provides information on the degree's subjects, their nature (basic, compulsory, optional, etc.) and the credits each one has. The subjects are grouped into subjects, which, in turn, are integrated into modules.
The University Master in Real Estate Strategy and Business / Master in Real Estate is made up of 60 modules ECTS credit which are taken over 12 months: from October to September. The Study program is made up of seven modules
It consists of 14 ECTS credit and is made up of three subjects:
business (6,5 ECTS credit)
This subject offers the student knowledge to direct and manage projects and companies in the field of architecture and urban planning. With this training you should be able to understand the impact of managerial, commercial, productive and organisational decisions on the resources, profits, liquidity and value creation of business and be able to properly analyse new investment projects.
Human factor (3.5 ECTS credit)
This subject offers the student knowledge necessary to develop their professional activity in collaboration with other people and teams, leading processes and negotiating with the different agents involved in building or urban planning. The following contents are covered:
Management of projects, works and services (4 ECTS credit)
The subject addresses the definition of functional programmes (both building and urban). In addition, it identifies and defines the most relevant contextual features: location, regulatory framework , actors involved, etc. The student receives relevant information for the realisation of a professional project : on standards and conventions for the presentation of documentation, its specifications and criteria and application techniques in projects, works and services. It also provides guidelines for integrated project management, paying attention to the management and coordination of all the agents involved in the different phases, as well as the planning of time and the necessary human and monetary resources.
It consists of 12 ECTS credit and is made up of three subjects:
Real Estate Market Analysis (4 ECTS credit)
This subject is based on the study and knowledge of the economic variables of the real estate market, linked to the use of innovative tools for the analysis of the real estate market from an urban and international perspective. It is based on the study of urban growth in metropolitan areas, their trends, problems and opportunities, in order to infer the implications they have for real estate demand.
Commercial Real Estate Investments (4 ECTS credit)
This subject serves to provide students with a competent theoretical and practical knowledge of the main investment vehicles, tools and processes linked to commercial real estate. In particular, the investment side of Real Estate will be analysed, with a special focus on its value in economic and mathematical core topic . That is, the measurement of the return on investment, the micro DCF and NPV analysis, the discount fees or the behaviour of the cash flow. In addition, the subject addresses the implications of financial leverage in real estate, alternative sources of resources (both financial and non-financial) are exposed, after-tax investments are analysed and knowledge is given on the capital structure of real estate investment in RE.
Real Estate Finance (4 ECTS credit)
The subject "Real Estate: Finance" provides the student with practical knowledge on the financing of residential and commercial real estate, taken in a broad sense, which are two areas closely interrelated with RE decision making. To do so, the financing of both types of property will be analysed from different perspectives, including agents, policy, regulatory context or the mortgage market, among others.
It consists of 12 ECTS credit and is made up of three subjects:
Real Estate: Operations (4 ECTS credit)
The goal pursued by this subject is to prepare the student to be competent in the field of real estate management and to get to know this professional world by assimilating the implementation of the essential operations in the process of development of real estate products.
Property and Strategic Management (5 ECTS credit)
This subject delves into the knowledge and governance of the Structures and corporate strategies of Real Estate, as well as the negotiation and management of real estate and other assets.
For this reason, corporate strategies, the different functions and organisations that act and manage corporate Departments in the Real Estate sector will be studied. Linked to this knowledge, the student will practice decision-making on corporate strategies, with a national and international vision, within the real estate sector.
Real Estate: framework legal (3 ECTS credit)
This subject allows the student to have knowledge of those aspects of urban law and Administrative Law that affect and are linked to the Real Estate sector, both nationally and internationally. An important aspect is the applied knowledge of planning, rules and regulations and urban management instruments, but also of administrative procedures.
It consists of 6 ECTS credit and is composed of two subjects:
Macroeconomics, social and environmental challenges (2 ECTS credit)
This subject complements the other subjects in the programme and addresses, from a macroeconomic perspective, the social and environmental challenges of the sector as a differential factor in decisions, in such a way that quantitative criteria coexist with urban, social and sustainable criteria.
The student will identify the challenges of 21st century society and how Real Estate, from its field, should contribute to the search for solutions.
Ethical Challenges in Real Estate (4 ECTS credit)
This subject enables student to incorporate ethics into decision making, both at the individual and organisational level.
To this end, the necessary anthropological instructions will be provided in order to get to know the human person and its implications, both in the personal development of student and to get to know the people around them: clients, colleagues, etc.
It will also address the social responsibility of organisations, the policies that articulate ethics within companies and their integration with regulatory compliance.
Case studies will provide student with the opportunity to discuss the most common problems in the field of organisations in general and Real Estate in particular.
It consists of 6 ECTS credit and is composed of a subject:
Internship (6 ECTS credit)
Compulsory internships in national and international collaborating entities and companies, managed by the university itself, which may also be the destination of these internships. Through this subject, the student will enter contact directly with the business dynamics and the development of specific projects, integrating the knowledge and skills acquired in the rest of the training programme.
It consists of 10 ECTS credit and is composed of two subjects:
Business & Data Analysis (4 ECTS credit)
This subject is a complementary training that refers to "Big Data" and is a set of additional skills that are indispensable for any professional in the sector today, such as the ability to collect, analyse and present data, as well as to know how to use it for evidence-based business decision-making.
Due to the importance it has acquired in the design and management of real estate projects, it is essential to be trained in the quantitative analysis of operations, in the capture and modelling of data, as well as in the management and visualisation of this data.
TFM ( 6 ECTS credit)
development of a project in which the knowledge, skills and competences acquired are integrated and applied to a specific case to be solved. It can be constituted by the approach of a theoretical project or it can be the solution of a concrete problem or part of it within the Real Estate sector.
There is the possibility of carrying out the Master's Final Project at business in the Real Estate sector, its operators and related professionals, where the criteria, processes and techniques of this field are applied in their usual work. In this case the student would apply the knowledge acquired in the modules of the master's degree to a specific case that is developed in the business, always under the academic tutoring of the programme.
With 6 compulsory ECTS credit , it includes the Master's Final Project subject and consists of the development of a project in which the knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the training process are integrated and applied to a specific topic .
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment