


Since the twentieth century, a social dynamic has been observed that highlights an increase in the needs of training integral human beings throughout their lives, thus demanding a permanent update of knowledge. University spaces expand their foundational objectives - based on a solid academic training - and accommodate these imperative demands. New cultural offers give the individual the opportunity to update his knowledge, directing his objectives not only to professional promotion or improvement, but also to the acquisition of certain competences that favor a greater citizen participation and a significant social commitment within his environment.

The University of Navarra has been responding to this demand since the 2003-2004 academic year, offering a renewed proposal each year in its consolidated Senior Program. The current edition will run from October 15, 2024 to June 3, 2025. The program is developed through multidisciplinary thematic blocks, presented in an attractive, practical and relaxed way, alternating with complementary activities. The only requirement for continued growth is to be 50 years old or close to it.


Brochure XXII Edition of the Senior Program 







Viviana Alegre Obligado

Senior Programme Coordinator

Central Building

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425600

Ext. 802144