On February 20 , 2025 , the first edition of the workshop Redefining the Future of the University Education : Institutional Models and Keys to their Implementation will be held , aimed at academics and university teachers from all areas, as well as boards of directors of national and international Education Superior centers. The course is organized by the Planning and Improvement Service of teaching, which belongs to the Vice Rectorate of Office of Academic Affairs of the University of Navarra.
This workshop is focused on presenting institutional educational models and comparing different approaches, deepening the implementation of training models, facilitating the partnership and collective reflection, promote proposals for implementation in the different participating institutions and encouraging the exchange of experiences.
The workshop is distributed in three parts with the following program:
Single registration fee
workshopRedefining the future of the university Education : institutional models and keys to their implementation".
Cost registration: 50€ (including lunch)
Seating capacity:50.
Information and contact
Lidia Fernandez
administrative office Technician
+34 948 42 56 00
c alinnov a@unav.es