Ruta de navegación


Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


The purpose of the Mountain Club of the University of Navarra is to make the exciting world of mountaineering known and enjoyed by the university community: professors, students, graduates, employees, and their families and friends.

In the half-century of the University's existence, there have always been people who, with great dedication and effort, have ensured that, through outings, projections and short courses, university students have left the classroom for a few moments to learn and get to know the mountains at close quarters. First, by visiting the nearest peaks in Navarre, and later by travelling through the Pyrenees.

In the last fifteen years, these activities have had greater continuity and the number of university students interested in participating in a non-competitive sport, which takes place in nature, in an atmosphere of fellowship, has gradually increased.

Despite this growth, the objectives remain the same: that all members of the university community can enjoy the exciting world of mountaineering.


contact Mountain Club

Sergio Recalde




Aplicaciones anidadas


Activities programmed by the Mountain Club for the 2024-25 course:

Date Activity

Multiadventure Weekend
Canyoning, Climbing, Orientation... (Huesca)


Option A. Linza-Mesa de los 3 Reyes-Belagua (High Difficulty)
Option B. Linza-Lapakiza Belagua Traverse (Difficulty average)
Hiking (Difficulty average-high)


Travesía Sierra Riojana (La Rioja)
Hiking (Difficulty average)


Muskilda-Virgen de las Nieves Trek (Irati Forest, Navarre)
Hiking (Difficulty average)


Gastrosalida by Navarra
Hiking through Monte Erga (Difficulty leave)
Trail through Monte Erga (Difficulty average)
At the end of the outing there will be a Christmas lunch (Udabe).


Elizondo-Peña Alba-Urkiaga Trek (Navarre)
Hiking (Difficulty average)


Snowshoeing (Huesca or Navarra)
Hiking (Difficulty leave/average)
* The date is pending depending on snow conditions.

March 2025

XX Anniversary of the Mountain Club Guides Talk
* Date to be confirmed


Araia-Aratz-Otxaurte Trek (Navarra)
Hiking (Difficulty average)


Hiking along the Cantabrian coast (Cantabria)
Hiking (Difficulty leave/average)


Astún - Ayous Lakes - Bious Artigues (France)
Hiking (Difficulty average)


Ordesa Traverse
Option A: Crossing Faja de las flores (Faja de las flores)
Option B: Path of the hunters (Huesca)
Hiking (High difficulty/average)

14.06.2025 Option A: Ascent of a 3000 (Garmonegro) (High difficulty - mountaineering equipment)
Option B: Ibones de Arnales (Difficulty average/high)
Hiking / mountaineering (High difficulty)




Aplicaciones anidadas


In October 1952 the Estudio General de Navarra was born, the embryo of what a few years later would become the University of Navarra. It was also during these years that the "prehistory" of the Mountain Club began. There is no formal and solemn inauguration, but simply the meeting between the first university professors with Navarrese mountaineers who taught them to know and love the mountains and the lands of Navarre. From the hand of the Navarrese notary Javier Nagore, the first President of the University of Navarra -D. Ismael Sánchez Bella- followed by other "pioneers" in their respective Schools -D.Juan Jiménez Vargas, D. José Javier López Jacoiste, D. Francisco Gómez Antón, D. Esteban Santiago, D. Félix Álvarez de la Vega... and so many others-, were also laying the foundations of the Mountain Club...


Los medios y el material que empleaban para ascender a las montañas pertenecen a una época muy diferente a la actual: pocas carreteras y largas aproximaciones; chaquetas de lana y pellizas de piel; boinas o sombrero en la cabeza, zurrones en la espalda y chirucas en los pies; bastones de madera junto a los primeros piolets también de madera; montañas y senderos más solitarios que hoy en día… Pero de lo que no hay ninguna duda es de que el entusiasmo y la pasión por este deporte llegaban tan alto como las cumbres que querían alcanzar.

La década de los 60 son unos años pródigos para el montañismo universitario navarro. Si hasta el momento habían sido tímidos, aunque constantes, las salidas de los universitarios a la montaña, es durante estos años cuando comienza a ser un fenómeno más popular y comienzan las primeras salidas masivas en las que ya es necesario alquilar un autobús. Los horizontes se amplían, ya no se limitan a ascender a las cumbres más cercanas a la capital navarra, aunque siguen siendo las más habituales, y ya se empieza a visitar al Pirineo de Huesca. Es también en estos años cuando comienza a denominarse a estas excursiones como "las del Club de Montaña", en parte para hacer competencia al pujante Club de Esquí fundado por aquellos años por José María Aymerich Llechá, un catalán recién llegado a Pamplona que comenzaba a trabajar en la Universidad. En alguna ocasión compartían el autobús en sus salidas si el destino era Candanchú o Formigal.

Es en esta época cuando uno tras otro van cayendo las cumbres más altas de la Tierra, las que superan 8.000 metros, holladas por expediciones internacionales. La admiración hacia estos grandes conquistadores de "lo inútil", hace que también los universitarios intenten emularlos buscando el cada vez "más difícil todavía". Con técnicas que hoy en día parecen muy rudimentarias algunos valientes -primero Javier Ardanaz y más adelante Javier Heras- comenzaron a emplear técnicas de escalada deportiva, cuando este deporte todavía estaba naciendo, para alcanzar las cumbres de las Dos Hermanas de Irurzun.

En el relato enviado por Miguel d'Ors desfilan muchos de los protagonistas de estos años: Ismael Sánchez BellaD. Javier Nagore Jesús Vázquez y tantos otros, algunos todavía son hoy montañeros en activo y otros están ya en el recuerdo.

En los años 70 el club de Montaña vivó una de sus épocas doradas. No solo por la abundancia de actividades y el alto nivel de participación, sino porque incluso llego a haber dos Clubes de Montaña dentro de la propia Universidad de Navarra: el de Medicina y el de Derecho. Los planes de estudio reconocían la posibilidad de convalidación de la asignatura de Gimnasia por actividades de montaña. 

El entonces profesor de esta disciplina, Tasio del Arco, animó a varios alumnos a que formaran sus respectivos clubes de montaña en las propias facultades en las que estudiaban. Eran estos alumnos los que organizaban y certificaban la asistencia a las salidas. 

Desde la Facultad de Medicina se siguió con la tradición montañera de los años anteriores pero, ante el aumento de la afición, se creó un nuevo grupo montañero en la facultad de Derecho, con actividades independientes a los "de Ciencias". Este grupo estuvo impulsado por Julián Díez.

Los años 90 comenzaron con la dirección de Club de Montaña por parte de JAF Fernández, Director de Alumni y Carlos Bergera que por aquel entonces trabajaba en la recién nacida Fundación Empresa-Universidad. Rescataron un Club de Montaña inactivo durante unos años y pusieron las bases de lo que es hoy en día el club. Organizaron salidas de senderismo alpinismo, cursos y expediciones en verano a los Alpes. En el curso 92-93 comenzó a colaborar con él José María Aymerich que ese año comenzaba sus estudios de Historia.

En el año 93, Carlos Bergera se retiró de la dirección de Club y comenzó una nueva etapa con JAF Fernández,  José María Aymerich y Fernando Unzu, ayudados como venían haciendo desde muchos años atrás, por Jesús Vázquez y Fernando Múgica.

Lo más destacable de esta nueva etapa fue que se reconoció oficialmente por la Federación Navarra de Montaña la existencia del club. A partir de entonces, al comienzo de cada curso los alumnos se encontraban un calendario con todo el programa de salidas y cursos. Gracias al "fichaje" del arquitecto y fotógrafo Iñaki Bergera la estética de los folletos mejoró enormemente. JAF Fernández, que entonces pilotaba Alumni, supuso la ampliación del público hacia los antiguos alumnos, hasta entonces "olvidados" en las actividades del Club. Además de las salidas de senderismo y alpinismo se celebraron numerosos cursos, semanas de montaña, salidas de esquí de travesía, raquetas de nieve, escalada, expediciones a los Alpes en los veranos, y se estableció el Día de Todos a la Montaña, como última salida del curso.

The change of millennium did not bring great news in the Mountain Club. José María Aymerich, Iñaki Bergera and JAF Fernández are still in charge, with the close collaboration of Enrique Aymerich, Patxi Gil, Teresa San Julián and Fernando Múgica, among others, at partnership . The Club's star activities continue to be the hiking outings, which are becoming more and more popular and in which a large number of foreign students take part issue , thus taking advantage of the opportunity to get to know the country they have come to study in a different way; and on the other hand, the mountaineering, ski touring and climbing outings continue, albeit in smaller groups.

Over the years, has been regularly touring all the valleys and mountains of the region, as well as many places in neighboring provinces. New ways of "living" the mountain are also introduced, such as water activities: canyoning and rafting; mountain biking, day trips and even pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela; climbing in climbing walls and outdoors, etc. Alumni participate more and more issue and with greater enthusiasm in the activities and even dare to take their children on some excursions. Thus the continuity of the Club for the next 50 years is guaranteed!



Who are we?

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


2023-24 course guides

Sergio Recalde
Fermín Milagro
Gwenaëlle Ceniceros
Daniel Oroz
Manuel Cires
Víctor Javier Sáenz
David Ibáñez


Auxiliary guides 2023-24

Fran Fernandez
David Armendariz
Ricardo Ibañez
Ángel Arguibide
Albero Delgado
Laura García
Aritz Royo Esnal
Carlos Irisarri




Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



Registration is free for students, employees, alumni and family members of the University.

If you want to join our mountain club, subscribe to our newsletters and find out about all our activities send an email to with the following data:

• Nombre

- Surname 

- Email address

- Mobile

- Relationship with the University (student, employee, Alumni, family, friend...)



To register for an activity (mountaineering trip, course, training session, etc.) you have to fill in the form specific online form for each activity.

Fees for registration 2023-24:
- Category A: 18,00 € (federated only)
Students, professors, employees and UNAV Alumni who are federated in Mountaineering

- Category B: 21,00 € (non federated)
Students, teachers, employees, UNAV Alumni and family members.
Friends federated by the UNAV Mountain Club.

- Category C: 26,00 €.
Friends not federated, or federated by a club other than the UNAV Sports Club.


- Cancellation of registration, with the right to a refund, until the Wednesday before departure (before 13:30 hours).
The causes of cancellation must be justified, being at the discretion of the Mountain Club those that are not.

- The registered persons who do not show up for the activity lose the right to a refund of the amount of the registration.

- If with the cancellation, cancellation or change of the registration arises some processing expense , this will be paid or deducted from the amount of the refund.

Payment methods: 

- Cash (at administrative office from sports center)
- card of credit or debit
- Bizum





Insurance and licenses

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas



All participants in the outings and courses organized by the Mountain Club will have an insurance that covers possible accidents that may occur in the development of the activity.

Each of the participants is manager to provide real personal data to process these insurances.

The students of Degree will be covered by the School Insurance; the rest of the students, teachers, employees, Alumni, family and friends, will be covered by a private insurance contracted specifically for each activity.

Holders of the current year's mountain federation licence will also be covered by the Federation's own insurance.



All those interested in obtaining the licence federative in Mountain for the current year can process it through the Club Deportivo Universidad de Navarra.

The card is a document staff and non-transferable by which mountaineers obtain a series of advantages: insurance tailored to the activities to be performed, rescue and mountain rescue, participation in courses and activities organized by the Mountain Federation, discounts in shelters and receipt of the magazine Pirenaica.

To obtain the licence Federativa en Montaña for the year 2024 (from September 1 to December 31, 2024), please fill in this form. form.

In case of being the first time that you are going to be federated by the Club Deportivo Universidad de Navarra, it is necessary to send the original sheet duly completed of the law of protection of data.

Information on mountain accident insurance



Warnings and recommendations



The outings are open to students, employees, alumni and friends who register in advance and wear appropriate clothing and footwear.



Please be punctual, both for taking the bus in Pamplona and for getting on the bus for the return journey. This avoids waiting time at group and unforeseen delays.


Necessary equipment

Compulsory: bring food and drink, light hiking boots, appropriate backpack, warm and rain gear. Recommended: gloves, hat (depending on the weather), camera, sunglasses, telescopic poles, spare clothes and shoes.



It is very important to pay attention to the indications of the guides on the excursions, not to lose contact sight of them and not to get ahead of the first guide or fall behind the last one.


Not to be missed

If in doubt, never go ahead. Wait for speech with the guides or other members of group to avoid losses.



The Mountain Club does not accept manager for accidents, illness or loss of material that may arise during the excursions or as a consequence of them. Furthermore, reservation has the right to modify any programmed outing depending on weather conditions or any other kind of conditions.


Better to federate

It is recommended to federate from December onwards so that the licence is valid from 1 January to 31 December.


Limited places

issue The number of places available for each trip is limited, so it is advisable to register well in advance.



Under no circumstances may persons who do not carry all the compulsory items be allowed to take part in the excursions.



The amount paid for excursions or courses will not be refunded unless there is a duly justified reason.