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Sports Talent

The Sports Talent Program, in coordination with the different Schools, offers a comprehensive attendance to student accompanying him in improving his development professional, academic, sports and staff, so that he can successfully combine the academic load with the competition sports internship .






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To reconcile a university degree program with the sports internship of high performing is not easy. In addition to the ordinary study load, attendance to classes, practices and academic work , etc., there is a demanding weekly training schedule with weekend trips to participate in competitions. It is frequent, therefore, that there are situations of overlap between both activities: academic and sports. The Sports Talent Program will help you to combine study and sport so that you can achieve academic and sporting success.




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Programme principles

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It is intended that the student successfully completes his or her degree program university studies in the foreseen years. In order to be able to renew in the Program, the student is obliged to obtain a good academic and sports performance. For this purpose, he/she will have personalized financial aid from the School, the Sports Club and the Sports Talent Program itself.



Program students have priority access to training activities and events with top-level managers and athletes organized by Sports Service and Schools.




The students of the Program, once they finish their university studies, can continue at contact through the network of alumni of Sports Talent.


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More information about Talento Deportivo

  1. financial aid personalized to the student so that he can combine his university programs of study with the competition sports internship .
  2. advisor School. The student will have at School a advisor (Coordinator of programs of study) that will mediate with the professors of each subject regarding changes of practices and exams, etc.
  3. advisor Sports Talent. The student will have a advisor of Sports Talent Program that will mediate with the coach, the Federation and other agents in the sports field.
  4. Free medical service (doctor specialized in Sports Medicine): periodic control, stress tests, rehabilitation and physiotherapy for injuries occurring during the school period (up to a maximum of 3 free physiotherapy sessions) and always according to the doctor's criteria, etc. (campus de Pamplona).
  5. Personalized Nutrition and Sports Nutrition Program: access to the program developed by School of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Limited places will be available exclusively for members of the Sports Talent Program (campus of Pamplona).
  6. Priority access to the training sports plan offered by Sports Service and Schools.
  7. Participation and financing, according to specialization program and budget available , in the Spanish University Championships.
  8. Credits ECTS credit: 2 credits (elective) per course up to a maximum of 6 credits in total per Degree.
  9. Free gym: free access to the UNAV Gym (campus de Pamplona).
  10. Access to the network of contacts of the Alumni Sports Talent Programme.
  1. Attend classes and training sessions scheduled by their School and by their Sports Club.
  2. To represent the University of Navarra in university competitions for which he/she is required.
  3. Participate in the training sports activities of the Olympic programs of study Center (minimum three sessions per year).
  4. Commitment to the promotion of Fair Play.
  5. Follow the physical and medical recommendations of their Sports Club and the Talent Sports Programme doctor.
  6. Communicate to advisor of Sports Talent the incidents that affect the development of the programme.
  7. Provide, where appropriate, academic information to advisor of Sports Talent.

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In the 2024-2025 academic year, thanks to the partnership of Caja Rural de Navarra, the students of the Sports Talent Program and who opt to participate in the Spanish University Championships representing the University of Navarra, will have an economic financial aid to cover the cost of travel, accommodation and maintenance. 

apply for To do so, they should send their participation to Sports Service, who, depending on the sport, dates and place of competition, will analyze on a case-by-case basis the amount required. This amount, approved by both parties, will be transferred to a Caja Rural account held by the student. 

Travel (or, if applicable, mileage), accommodation and meals for the days necessary to compete will be paid for. After the competition the student will make a report justifying the actual expenses attaching the corresponding receipts and/or invoices.

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