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Testimonials from college athletes



Students who combine their university studies with sports at programs of study tell us about their day-to-day life between books and their sports disciplines.


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Studying a university degree program involves a considerable effort staff . You have to dedicate a lot of time: attending classes, studying outside of schedule , doing internships, preparing for exams, etc. And many times this dedication means having to give up other activities such as sports. At the University of Navarra we are very clear that studying and sports can be compatible. And that is why we intend to help all students who want to do their programs of study while practicing their discipline sports.

We have the"Sports Talent" program, which offers a comprehensiveattendance to student accompanying him in improving his development professional, academic, sports and staff, so that he can successfully combine the academic load with the internship competitive sports.

The best sample is what the students themselves say about the University of Navarra who successfully follow their programs of study while practicing their favorite sport. 

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"With perseverance and work you can go very far, both at staff and at work. The sport financial aid you to strengthen that habit."

Sonia framework
Economics - Paddle

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"The sports internship is a factor core topic for my academic performance, as it helps me financial aid to reduce accumulated stress."

Pedro Sarobe
Economics - Basketball



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"Archery has helped me to know how to be constant. Combining it with programs of study means planning well, making an effort and learning that this is useful for all areas of life."

Sandra López
Communication - Archery



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"I can't have a normal day's routine if I don't train. There are times when it becomes more difficult when you are in exams, but you have to make time for everything."

Guillermo Perez
Education - Handball

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"Sport for me is an escape from all the stress and overwhelm of university: it calms me down and gives me the strength and discipline it takes to keep going."

Ambar Rodriguez
Tecnun - Gymnastics

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"Being able to make programs of study and swimming compatible is what has taught me the most to never give up and to keep fighting for my dreams. Besides, being able to do every day what I like the most, makes me perform better in the programs of study"

Sofia Solntseva
Science - Swimming




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