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09 | 12 | 2008

Study of light scattering in animal tissues will drive new methods for earlier cancer diagnosis

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

28 | 11 | 2008

Two researchers from CIMA are studying new advances in biotechnology and oncology in Europe.

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

27 | 11 | 2008

A study of CIMA receives the award National Clinical research of the Pfizer Foundation

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

21 | 11 | 2008

Liver diseases outpace treatments that prevent their progression

TextoMª Pilar Huarte

ImagenManuel Castells

30 | 09 | 2008

The University of Navarra is committed to further disseminate science

ImagenManuel Castells



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