27 | 10 | 2014
Cosmopolitan cities harbor "a complex negotiation" about their distribution among the religions that coexist in them.
TextoCarlota Cortés
24 | 10 | 2014
300,000 euros for research against childhood cancer
ImagenManuel Castells
24 | 10 | 2014
"We must investigate how to build a society in which everyone can express their beliefs and practice their religion without feeling threatened."
ImagenCarlota Cortés
22 | 10 | 2014
The Education of local politicians, an ingredient core topic for the improvement of public service delivery in poor communities
TextoCarlota Cortés
ImagenCarlota Cortés
22 | 10 | 2014
The bulletin of the International Sociological Association publishes an interview by an ICS doctoral student with the pioneer of the sociology of emotions.