
The Chair of language and Basque Culture of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra has organised the lecture series "Baroja and Navarra: figure with landscapes". The goal of the meeting, which has the sponsorship of the Government of Navarre, is to offer a re-reading of the author's personality and literary bequest and to put forward some new perspectives for study, with special emphasis on Baroja's links with Navarre.

PROGRAMME (download programme in pdf)

Thursday 7 October



Mari Mar Larraza: "Baroja: memories of Iruña".

Gabriel Insausti: "The family of Errotacho: Baroja, Unamuno and the events of Vera de Bidasoa".



Daniel Ramírez: "Baroja, the agotes and the cursed neighbourhood".

Iñaki Urricelqui: "A vision of the Bidasoa: landscape and landscape in the work of the Baroja brothers".


Celia Fernández: "Gastizar's weather vane: from rapture to melancholy" Juan José Pons: "Baroja, a cartography".



Felipe Juaristi: "Baroja eta Bidasoa".


Juan Carlos Ara: "Navarrese types and characters, says Baroja".


Friday, 8 October



Toni Montesinos: "Barojian truth: to know is to suffer".

Antonio Castellote: "In Navarra quando sumus: the goliardic spirit inThe Legend of Jaun de Alzate".



Patxi Caspistegui: "Carlism and Baroja, Impossible!

Pablo Echart: "Baroja on the screen: three film adaptations".



Eduardo Michelena: "Schopenhauer and the Barojian echo to the question of life".

Naiara Ardanaz: "Baroja, kartografia bat"".



Ascensión Rivas: "Dismantling myths: the image of women in Pío Baroja".


Miguel Sánchez Ostiz: "Pío Baroja's ink mirror".

Speeches in the first part of each workshop will normally last 25 minutes, and in the second part 40 minutes, plus a short question time in both cases.

Organised by / antolatzailea: Gabriel Insausti(

Place / Non: Museo de Navarra / Nafarroako Museoa