

J.M. de Barandiaran excavating in the Axlor Cave, 1972, with several disciples.

J.M. de Barandiaran excavating in the Axlor Cave, 1972, with several disciples.

Along with teaching, research is one of the main objectives of Chair. From the outset, it was oriented in two directions: ethnology and linguistics.

The presence of José Miguel de Barandiaran was decisive for the introduction, in parallel with the teaching of Basque Ethnology, of the ethnographic research . For this purpose, he created the group of research ETNIKER, which was later directed by Mª Amor Beguiristain.

The linguistic research has been associated with both Dr. Ana Echaide and the Basque philologist Asier Barandiaran, who joined the Chair from 1995 to 2010. In addition to framing the programs of study and publications of the aforementioned specialists, and the thesis and monographs that both have directed, the Chair has also promoted research work among students through the reports of research that have been carried out in the academic framework of the Diploma of programs of study Vascos, in force from 1994 to 2008.

In the future, the lines of research will bear in mind the bequest fiftieth anniversary of the Chair, although they will be oriented to a greater extent towards programs of study related to Basque culture in a broad sense, preferably from the disciplines of history, ethnology, art history or speech.
