Conferences and seminars
lectureBasque nationalism and modernity" , (21 April). Joseba Arregui (Former Minister of the Basque Government, sociologist).
lecture The Diaspora and the perception of the Basques in the American press", (Tecnun, 25 February) Amaia Iraizoz (Center of programs of study Basques, University of Nevada).
Symposium: "Navarre and America (14 October).
lecture "El terrorismo de ETA durante la Transición", (24 April). Florencio Domínguez (Agencia Vasco Press).
seminar "Euskal Literatura" (Tecnun, March 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24 and 25). Patri Urkizu.
lecture series in Tecnun
- Euskal idazle eta editore istorioa", 25 February, Kepa Murua.
- Origin of Carnival", 17 February, Juan Antonio Urbelt.
-Euskal poesia, gau", 21 January, Felipe Juaristi.
- "Who were the Vascones? An answer -and many questions- from ancient sources", January 23, Javier Andreu Pintado, Senior Associate Professor of Archaeology and Ancient History of the Dept. of History, Art History and Geography.
lecture " ETA's violence in perspective",13 November 2014, by Gaizka Fernández
Gaizka Fernández, member of the committee of experts for the future Memorial Centre for the Victims of Terrorism, gave the lecture lecture "ETA's violence in perspective".
Gaizka Fernández, author of "Heroes, heterodox and traitors. Historia de Euskadiko Ezkerra (1974-1994)" and member of the committee of experts for the future Memorial Centre for Victims of Terrorism, spoke about the current status and how society must face the post-violence narrative, a possible reconciliation of the Basque people and their future after more than 40 years of terrorist activity.
The talk organised by Professor Ana Zabalza's subject 'Cuestiones de Historia Vasca' was attended by the director of the Chair de language y Cultura Vasca, María del Mar Larraza.
lecture series " En los alrededores de la literatura vasca, hoy" (Hitzaldi Saila, "Euskal literaturaren inguretan, gaur):
"Bizitza eta literatura", 31-III-2014, Kepa Murua.
"Hitza, idazkera, poesia" ("Word, writing, poetry"). 24-II-2014, Felipe Juaristi.
"Bertsolaritza, tradizio modernoa" ("Bertsolaritza, modern tradition") 27-I-2014, Asier Barandiaran.
lecture "Interrogantes acerca de los vascones (y los vascos) de la antigüedad", 24-I-2014, by Javier Andreu Pintado.
lecture series Basque-Navarre emigration to America" ( January, February 2013)
"Razones, fundamentos y contribución de la emigración vasco-navarra al development de América", José Manuel Azcona Pastor.
"El framework jurídico de la emigración ultramarina: repensando las migraciones vascas", Óscar Álvarez Gila.
lectureReminiscing the 50's" (April 17, 2013)
"The beginnings of art in Navarre", Ignacio Barandiaran Maestu:
lecture seriesEuskal Literatura eta Kazetaritza XX. mendearen hastapenetan" ("Journalism in Basque at the beginning of the 20th century") (November 2006-January 2007).
- "Lauaxetaren Kazetaritza", (2006-XI-17), Xabier Altzibar
- "Lauaxetaren literatura-iturriak", (2006-XII-01), Jon Kortazar
- Larrekoren kazetaritza", (2007-I-12), Joxemiel Bidador .
lectureEusko Ikaskuntza eta Euskomediaren aurkezpena" (15-III-2010). Speakers: Jose Mari Vélez de Mendizaba and Arantza Cuesta.
lecture "Eleberria, Kazetaritza eta Gatazka: nire idazkietarako hiru osagai ("Novel, journalism and conflict: three elements of my novelistic work"), (December 19, 2008), by the writer Aingeru Epaltza.
lecture "Nafarroako euskarazko kazetaritza XX. mendean" ("Journalism in Basque in the 20th century"), ( 12-XII-2008), by the philologist Joxemiel Bidador.
lecture "Basque Identity Today: Euskal Herria and its Diaspora", (October X, 2008), by Pedro Oiarzabal, University of Nevada.
lecture by Joxe Mallea (University of Nevada, Reno) and the bertsolari oronoztarra resident in the United States Jesus Goñi (X)
presentation of Eusko Ikaskuntza (12-III-2007) to position by José Maria Vélez de Mendizabal and Arantza Cuesta .
lecture "Le rituel funeraire basque traditionnel", (17-XII-2003) by Michel Duvert (Societé des Amis du Musée Basque) Bayonne, .
lecture series "Migration and identity. Some examples in America" (May 20, 2003). Speakers: Óscar Álvarez Gila, Mikel Aramburu Zudaire and Marcelino Iriani Zalacain.
lecture "Euskalkiak eta Batua" ("Dialects and unified Basque") by Pello Salaburu (Full Professor of the UPV-EHU):
lecture "La report cultural del individuo y de la sociedad en la producción oral popular edo 'ahozko herri produkzioan", (25-V-1995), by Josemartin Apalategui(Eusko Ikaskuntza).
lecture "Euskal Kulturan Iparralden", (22-V-1995), by Manex Goienetxe (School multidisciplinary of Bayonne, University of Pau and the Adour region).
lecture "La religiosidad popular", ( V-1995), by Gurutzi Arregi (Coordinator of the Basque Ethnographic Atlas, high school Labayru).
lecture "Gaurko Euskal Literatura", (May 10, 1995), by Jon Kortazar (Full Professor of Literature of the University of the Basque Country).
lecture La música vasca", ( 9-V-1995), by Ana Montoya (Director of the Barañáin Conservatory of Music).
lecture "El museo etnográfico de Navarra", (2-V-1995), by Javier Zubiaur (Director General of Culture of the Government of Navarre).
lecture "Basque Mythology", (IV-1995), by Anton Erkoreka (UPV Leioa).
lecture "Artes plásticas en el País Vasco", (IV-1995), by Javier González de Durana (Professor of Contemporary History at the UPV).
lecture "Medieval Basque Art outside Navarre", (IV-1995), by Soledad Silva Verástegui (UPV, Vitoria).
lecture "La política lingüística en Navarra", (30-III-1995), by José Mª Rodríguez Ochoa (Director general de Política Lingüística del Gobierno de Navarra).
lecture "Un model de cooperación interregional europeo: el protocol Aquitania-Euskadi-Navarra" (27-I-1995), by Juan Cruz Alli (President of the Government of Navarre) :
lecture "La medicina popular en el País Vasco", (22-IV-1988), by Anton Erkoreka (Full Professor de Hª de la Medicina, UPV).
lecture "La language vasca y el mundo románico", (21-IV-1988), by Mª Teresa Echenique Elizondo (Professor of language Española, U. de Valencia).
seminar of programs of study Vascos I: "The gaze of power in Vasconia: XVI-XX centuries" (2006)
"Funerary Rites in Vasconia" (2003-2004)
"Modernisation and contemporary economic development " (2002)
"The city as a historical subject" (1999)
"Ilustrazioa Euskal Herrian" "The Enlightenment in the Basque Country" (1997)
seminar of programs of study Vascos II:
"Euskal literatura eta kazetaritza XX. mendearen hastapenetan" (2006) (Journalism in Basque at the beginning of the 20th century) (XII-2006 to I-2007): Xabier Altzibar, Jon Kortazar and Josemiel Bidador.