Dantza workshop 21-I-2016, at position of "Ortzadar. Euskal Folklore Elkartea", and at partnership with the International Office of the UN.
Dantza workshop,"Lau urrats eta kitto", 19-XI-2014: ", given by Jon Iruretagoyena (president of Maritzuli Konpainia).
Dantza workshop, 6-III-2014, given by Julen Fagoaga (Duguna Dantza Taldea). Organised by EKHITALDE, with the partnership of the Chair of language and Basque Culture.
Talk-concert: "Music of Euskal-Herria. The nation in rock and folk songs", 27-II-2014, :
Talk-concert organised by EKHITALDE at partnership with the Chair de language y Cultura Vasca, at position by Ritxi Aizpuru (publisher musical de la discográfica Baga-Biga) and Julen Leuza (trumpet player of Vidrio eta Otxoa).
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