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The Chair of language and Basque Culture organises an ethnobotanical workshop in the Roncal Valley.

Schoolchildren from Education primary and secondary schools will enhance their knowledge of the cultural, floristic and ethnographic landscape of the region.

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14/09/17 10:02

An ethnobotanical workshop is currently being completed with young people from the Roncal Valley (Navarre), aimed at strengthening their knowledge knowledge of the cultural, floristic and ethnographic landscape of the region. These are children from Education primary and secondary schools who are looking for more interaction with both humanistic and biological subjects and with their own social and natural environment in formal extracurricular areas. The first theoretical and practical sessions were held in June at the Roncal Nature Interpretation Centre , which kindly lent its facilities.

They carry out work on self-directed learning with their own search for plant samples and ethnographic surveys. In September, the work carried out during the summer season was shared with the group. In a collaborative way, instructions materials have been developed for the uploading of the results in a digital ethnoherbarium on the website of the Chair of language and Basque Culture of the University of Navarra. This institution, in partnership with the Government of Navarre, has lent its academic and economic support in order to successfully carry out this interesting educational and dissemination work and to invest in the future of the traditional knowledge among the youth of the region.

We hope that from this pilot project the activity can be successfully replicated in different schools and regional centres in Navarre and beyond. The sample sheets (more than 30) taken by the pupils will be donated by the Chair to the University herbarium for study and conservation.



Mari Mar Larraza Micheltorena

Chief of Staff

Mari Mar Larraza Micheltorena

University of Navarra

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 Ext. 802775
