
Aplicaciones anidadas


The Center promotes academic and professional reflection on the governance and reputation of higher Education institutions, with three types of activities:

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#01 training


The Center organizes training activities such as university strategic management courses and congresses on university reputation. Hundreds of people from dozens of universities and countries have participated in these meetings. 

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Aplicaciones anidadas


Course on Strategic Management of Universities


training program aimed at rectors, vice-rectors, deans and other managers with the goal of improving the governance knowledge of higher Education institutions.

With an academic and internship orientation, and with an interdisciplinary approach , every two years specialists from different countries share knowledge and experiences useful to face the challenges of universities.

Recent editions have addressed issues such as Personnel Management Service, sustainability, intangible management and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on governance. 

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training in university governance and strategic management




University governance teams




120 university leaders from universities and countries around the world

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Building Universities' Reputation (BUR)


In April 2015, the University of Navarra initiated the Building Universities' Reputation (BUR) conferences in which academics and professionals reflect on university reputation strategies.

This international forum on university reputation is organized every two years with the partnership of the lecture of Rectors of Spanish Universities, Universia, the British Council, the International Rankings Observatory (IREG) and university associations such as CASE and the World 100 Reputation Network.

Five congresses of this nature have been held. The first three were held at the University of Navarra. In 2019 two new editions took place in Russia and Peru with the co-organization of the Higher School of Economics of St. Petersburg and the University of Piura, respectively.

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interdisciplinary discussion on the contribution of reputation to university governance




Academics and professionals




120 university leaders from universities and countries around the world

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Other activities


Expert meetings on Higher Education
professional specialization conference
training sessions for academic managers

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#02 research and Publications


The Center for University Governance and Reputation promotes research in governance, reputation and intangible management of higher Education institutions.

The Center's professors direct doctoral thesis and research projects that contribute to the generation of knowledge.

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Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Sowing Reputation. Conferencias de la International Reputation Week, Santiago Fernández-Gubieda, publisher (Eunsa, 2024)


The value of reputation

El valor de la reputación, Juan Manuel Mora (Eunsa, 2020 and 2024).


crisis management in universities. Cases, best practices and crisis guide

crisismanagement in universities. Cases, good practices and crisis guide , Yago de la Cierva, Paulina Guzik and Mercedes Castelló (Eunsa, 2024).

Aplicaciones anidadas


A memorable experience.

A memorable experience. How to cultivate the reputation of universities, Santiago Fernández-Gubieda (Eunsa, 2023).


University governance. Challenges, models and strategies

University governance. Challenges, models and strategies, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero (Eunsa, 2023).


Reputation of universities

Reputation of universities, Juan Manuel Mora, publisher (Eunsa, 2015).

Aplicaciones anidadas


thesis supervised

  • Covid-19: Governance and Communication at the University of Navarra at the service of stakeholders, Begoña Echevarne (2023).

  • University, sustainability and reputation: Sustainability as a strategic and reputational pillar in the fifth generation of universities - Case studies from the University of Manchester (UK) and HSE University (Russia), Magdalena Gaete (2023). 

  • conceptual framework of reputation. Implications for university governance, Santiago Fernández-Gubieda (2023). 

Theses in progress

  • Florencia Berruti, on the identity of universities and its impact on strategy.

  • José David Alvarenga, on the mission statement of the university and governance models.

  • Ignacio Santoni, on university marketing. 


Research projects

  • crisis management in universities. Cases, best practices and crisis guide (concluded).

  • University and Catholic identity, in collaboration with the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy).

  • The role of universities in the public space

  • Reputation and organizational listening: an operational model for assessing university reputations


Other publications and conferences



publications and articles in scientific journals


presentations at international congresses


Lines of research

  • Identity and culture of organizations.

  • University governance strategy and models.

  • Leadership, innovation and change management .

  • Personnel Management Service and talent management .

  • Reputation fundamentals.

  • Communication and crisis management .

  • Differentiation, rankings and international positioning.

  • Financing and resource management.

  • Performance indicators and big data analysis.


Our research resources are openly available and openly searchable


Aplicaciones anidadas


#03 Advice


The Center for University Governance and Reputation offers advisory services for institutions interested in revising their strategy, improving their reputation or advancing in some of their functional areas.

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Aplicaciones anidadas


For these areas of activity, the Center relies on the partnership of experts, both academic and professional. In the framework of its activities, it also promotes networking events that favor learning and the exchange of experiences among university professionals.

Advisory work is carried out with public and private institutions of higher Education , as well as with other educational and health institutions.


Some of the institutions with which the Center has worked are:

  • Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)

  • Complutense University (Spain)

  • Catholic University of Valencia (Spain)

  • University of Piura (Peru)

  • Universidad Panamericana (Mexico)

  • Strathmore University (Kenya)

  • University of Asia & The Pacific (Philippines)

  • Monteávila University (Venezuela)

  • University of Montevideo (Uruguay)

  • Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Italy)

  • University Campus Bio-Medical University of Rome (Italy)

  • Faculdade Belavista (Brazil)

  • Universidad del Atlántico Norte (Spain)

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Aplicaciones anidadas


The Center collaborates with national and international entities that seek the development of the university sector. In recent years, it has launched projects with several institutions, among which are:


The following institutions collaborate with the Center:

  • World 100 Reputation Network

  • Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)

  • CRUE, lecture of Rectors of Spanish Universities

  • European Foundation Society and Education

  • Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership

  • IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence

  • International Federation of Catholic Universities (FIUC)


In addition, the Center has advised other institutions in the educational and health sector such as the following:

  • Hopital Monkole (Congo)

  • group Atendis

  • Fomento, network of teaching centers 

  • European Foundation Society and Education
