International Advisory Board
The University Governance and Reputation Center's committee advisor is made up of academics and practitioners from universities and institutions around the world. They meet once a year with the mission statement to be informed of the Center's strategy and activities and to contribute their input and suggestions to the overall strategy of the Center.
The members are:
Alberto Andreu
Senior Advisor of Ernst & Young and ATREVIA.
Angel Alloza
CEO of Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership.
Ángel J. Gómez Montoro
Full Professor and President of the University of Navarra (2015-2012).
Inés Teresa-Palacios
Expert in Communication and International Marketing of universities.
Juan Juliá
President of the Universitat Politècnica de València (2005-2013). Vice President of CRUE (2010-2013).
Juan Manuel Mora
Vice President of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross and first director of the Center for University Governance and Reputation (chairman of the committee advisor).
Louise Simpson
Founder of World 100 Reputation Network.
Luisa Alli
administrative office General of Fundación Instituto Hermes.
Magdalena Gaete
Researcher at HSE University in St. Petersburg (Russia).
Mark Sudbury
Former Director of World 100 Reputation Network.
Miguel Angel Sancho
President of the Society and Education Foundation.
Paul Andrew
Vice President for Communication at Harvard University.
Rolando Roncancio
President of the Universidad de La Sabana.