
Course on Strategic Management of Universities

FROM 4 TO 6 JUNE 2025

Understanding Artificial Intelligence and its impact on university governance

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    Universities are in a process of accelerated change. They operate on a global stage, affected by demographic changes, with a permanent discussion on their public funding, and involved in a digital transformation that questions the validity of a system that has borne countless fruits for centuries.

    The emergence of these factors, among others, has a direct influence on university governance. Managing higher education institutions has become a complex and demanding task that requires specific and continuous training.

    In an increasingly competitive environment, universities need to design strategies to become highly differentiated and relevant institutions that continue to make a valuable contribution to society.

    They must be recognised and esteemed in order to attract the best students, professors and researchers; and they must gain the support of funding, political and social institutions. These facts make reputation an indispensable intangible asset for university governance.

    The University of Navarra has created the Centre for University Governance and Reputation, with which it aims to promote training and research into good governance and management of university intangibles, from an interdisciplinary and international perspective.

    The Centre is a continuation of a series of activities promoted by the University in recent years. It is the Centre's mission to join forces with other institutions to further increase the impact of the university system educational .

    The University of Navarra's Centre for University Governance and Reputation is dedicated to training and research in university governance and management, with an international, interdisciplinary perspective that is open to the best practices of the most developed university systems.

    The Centre was born out of the conviction of the importance of the University's contribution to society, of the need to innovate and adapt to new environments and of the desirability of collaboration between academics and professionals.

    instiutuciones colaboradoras

    Collaborating institutions

    The following national and international institutions have collaborated in the Centre's activities:

    British Council Crue Case Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership



    Society and Education Foundation




    World 100 Reputation Network



    María Barcáiztegui

    Technical secretariat

    María Barcáiztegui

    Campus Universitario, s/n

    31009 Pamplona, Spain

    948 425 600