txt consultoria


The University of Navarra's Center for University Governance and Reputation offers consultancy service and advisory services.


Aplicaciones anidadas


The University of Navarra's Center for University Governance and Reputation offers consultancy service and advisory services for institutions interested in some of these areas:

- Identity and culture of organisations;

- University governance strategy and models;

- Leadership, innovation and change management;

- People and talent management;

- Reputation basics;

- Communication and crisis management;

- Differentiation, rankings and international positioning;

- Financing and resource management;

- Performance indicators and big data analysis.

For these areas of activity, partnership experts, both academic and professional, work together with the institution to design strategies for improvement.

In the framework of its activities, it also promotes networking events that favour learning and mutual relations between professionals in the university field.

The work of consultancy service has been carried out on demand since 2011, with institutions of higher education, both public and private, as well as educational and health institutions, at Education .




María Barcáiztegui

Technical secretariat

María Barcáiztegui

Campus Universitario, s/n

31009 Pamplona, Spain

948 425 600