What will you learn?
The School of Sciences of the University of Navarra works closely with the Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy, and other research centres of the University, such as the Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), the laboratory Integrated Environmental Quality (LICA), the Centre for Applied Pharmacobiology (CIFA), the Scientific and Technological Institute (ICT), etc. This has led to the creation of a university campus specialising in Experimental and Health Sciences that is unique in Spain.
You will acquire skills such as:
Customize the degree program
The optional subjects allow the student of the Degree in Biology to personalise their degree and train more intensively in a specific area, which facilitates their insertion into the world of work. Thus, the student can acquire an intensification in some of the most demanded areas in the field of Biology.
Specific program
The students of Degree in Biology have the possibility to participate in a specific training program in English which, under the supervision of a tutor, allows, for example, to carry out a project of research experimental in Biology within the Degree, which must be prepared and defended before a court entirely in English.
Subjects in English
In addition to seminars, tutorials, professor and bibliographic material, student has several subjects taught in English throughout the Degree in Biology.
You can visit work in...

management and environmental advice; control and management of industrial, agricultural and urban pollution; waste treatment; water control; pest control; assessment of environmental impact and restoration of the natural environment; management of natural resources; nature conservation; land use planning; optimization of plant and animal crops; improvement Genetics; biological control; teaching and Education environmental; research in environment...
Clinical analysis (Biochemistry clinical, Microbiology and Parasitology, immunology); programs of study epidemiological; research biomedical in centers of research; Departments of research and development+i of universities or hospitals; sanitary biotechnology; management of quality in the fields of Biochemistry , microbiology, toxicology,...; teaching and Education sanitary...
management of waste and pollution; research, development and control of industrial biological processes; biotechnology, laboratories of research and development+i, industry Chemistry, pharmaceutical, food, quality control...