What will you learn?
The School of Sciences of the University of Navarra has been training professionals in Biology for more than 50 years, especially in the clinical and environmental fields. By offering since the 2014/2015 academic year the Degree in Environmental Sciences (bilingual, Degree in Environmental Sciences), an effort of coordination and integration has been made to allow the student interested can perform the Double Degree in Biology and Environmental Sciences.
In this way, the scientific instructions provided by the biological sciences are complemented by the knowledge and skills of the more applied environmental sciences. During the five years of this unique Double Degree in Spain, 354 courses are taken ECTS credit, which are divided into about 60 subjects.
How does this work? double Degree?

In the first four years, students will take the subjects that make up the Degree in Biology (at that time they would have already completed one of the two Degrees) and at the same time they will take - depending on the course - one or two specific subjects in Environmental Sciences. Students take the remaining subjects during the fifth year, so that they obtain the second official Degree at the end of this last course.
This double Degree includes the "Environment and Landscapes Program". In addition, students can complement their training with the Diploma in Marine Biologya program designed to specialize in the marine environment through a one-year international internship.
Studying Environmental Sciences at the University of Navarra provides students with three aspects in the comprehensive training that fits the profile demanded by companies: excellence in the teaching internship ; the complementarity of the scientific and applied study of environmental problems; and the internationalization.
Recovers the sense of landscape

With the Environment and Landscapes Program - multiple trips to regional (24), national (16) and international landscapes (4 trips, 7 to 10 days each) - you will gain an in-depth scientific and cultural understanding of the interrelationship between humans and the earth.